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-"I'LL BE FINE," SAID CASSANDRA FOR THE SIXTH TIME THAT DAY, GLANCING AT THE TRAIN. Her mother, Alexandria, rolled her eyes at her daughter's impatience. "Fine. Get on the train, Cassie."

Cassandra gave her parents and younger brother one last hug, then rushed onto the train.

It was now her third year.

Not much had happened in her first and second year.

"Watch it!" seethed Cassandra when someone bumped into her purposely.

"I would, but your mother killed my uncle." Fabian Weasley rolled his eyes.

Interactions like these were normal with the two. Oh, and Roxanne, whom Cassandra hated with her whole heart. She hated Fabian, too, but not as much as she hated Roxanne. Speaking of-

"I thought I smelled garbage in here. Turns out, I'm right." Roxanne Weasley walked to them, standing next to her cousin.

"Spray some perfume on yourself, then." Cassandra said, sneering at her. "Out of my way."

"And if we don't get out of your way?" challenged the red-headed girl, crossing her arms.

"Let's just say your fathers will be where your dead uncle is."

The two Weasleys scoffed, but stepped away reluctantly.

Cassandra gave them a small smirk, then strutted to the Slytherin compartments.


"What took so long?" asked Vanessa, looking up from the book she was reading as Cassandra sat down.

"Weasleys," muttered the girl in reply.

"Wouldn't leave you alone again?" Zara asked, not looking up as she filed her nails. "I swear, those two have an obsession with you."

"Well.. their uncle and aunt kind of got killed by Cass's mother.." Maeve pointed out nervously.

"That's what they get for being homophobic bitches."

"Amen," whispered Zara.

Maeve nodded, obviously agreeing with them.

Vanessa looked up when their compartment door slammed open. "Learn how to knock, Theodore."

Theodore rolled his eyes, then looked at Cassandra. "Want to come? The boys and I are off to have some fun with Gryffindors."

"What kind of fun, Theodore?" Cassandra crossed her arms, looking at the loyal friend she had made in first year.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and went back to reading her book, glancing at the two every now and then.

"Pranks. Bullying. Pranks. More bullying." Theodore shrugged, running his hand through his black hair. "Will you come, Sandra?"

"I'm good," Cassandra shook her head.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and closed the door, walking away from the compartment.

"I think Nott has a crush on you," said Zara randomly.

"Perfect little Theodore with perfect feelings. Heir to the Nott family and dynasty. Soon-to-be boyfriend of the dark lord's granddaughter. What could possibly be better?" mimicked Vanessa, her jealousy very obvious.

"Do you like Cass, too?" Maeve threw her head back and laughed.

"No," sneered Vanessa. "It's just that Theodore gets everything he wants. It's always been that way. Who remembers Vanessa when Theodore is around?"

Cassandra scoffed. "It's not his fault he's older, Nessa."

"By five minutes!"


"Maybe you should talk about this with your parents," suggested Cassandra.

Vanessa scoffed. "Yeah. As if they care."

"Anyway, I'm sure Theodore's feelings are completely platonic. Just because a boy and a girl are friends doesn't mean there's something going on between them." Cassandra said, looking at Zara.

Zara shrugged. "Fine. But when you two get together, I'll be saying 'I told you so' over and over again."

Maeve stood up. "Who wants something from the trolley?"

"I'll come with." Vanessa stood up and walked out of the compartment.

"Nothing." Zara said with a smile.

"Nothing, thanks." Cassandra said when Maeve looked at her.

Maeve nodded and walked out, following Vanessa.

A few minutes later, Cassandra also stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"To visit my cousin."

Zara gave her a nod, watching as the girl walked out of the compartment.


Knocking on the compartment, Cassandra looked inside, making eye contact with her cousin.

Natalia stopped talking with her friends, eyes lightening up when she saw her. She stood up and rushed over to her. "Hey, Cassie!"

"Hey, Natalia." Cassandra smiled. "How was Paris?"

"Good. Great." Natalia said in excitement.

She and her parents- Harry and Blaise- hadn't been able to visit the Slytherin-Malfoy household as they had traveled to Paris.

They couldn't even come to dinners in Slytherin manor- which was a regular thing and it happened a few times a month.

You'd think Tom was busy, being a dark lord and all- but no. He always had time for his family.

After a few more minutes of talking, Cassandra went back to the Slytherin compartments and sat back down next to her friends.

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