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-"WHAT CAN TRAVEL THE WORLD WHILE STAYING IN A CORNER?" ASKED THE EAGLE KNOCKER. Cassandra, who wanted to enter the Ravenclaw common room to get something from her cousin, groaned. "I don't fucking know."

"A stamp," answered a familiar voice, making the girl turn around.

"Natalia," grinned Cassandra.

Natalia smiled and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here, Cassie?"

"I need the Marauder's map."

"..The one your ex-grandfather helped make?"

"The one that abused my mother, yes yes."

"Wait here." Natalia said, then rushed into the common room and out of sight.

Cassandra leaned onto the wall, one leg propped up against it, and crossed her arms.

A few minutes later, Natalia walked out of the common room with a familiar piece of parchment in her hands. "Here you go."

"Thank you, Natalia."


"This way-" Cassandra pointed to the end of a corridor "-There's a secret passage somewhere over there."

"How the hell do you know that?" Zara asked.

"Do we really need to question her?" asked Maeve, "All I want to do is just run off to Hogsmeade."

"Let's get going, then." Vanessa said, agreeing with Maeve.


"Woah," muttered the girls as soon as they stepped into the Three Broomsticks.

"What can I get you four?" asked the waitress, walking up to the table they just sat at. The said waitress frowned, squinting her eyes at them. "Have you girls snuck out?"

"No." Maeve cringed at the fact she had to lie, earning a look from Zara.

The waitress let out a sigh. "What would you like?"

"4 butterbeers." Vanessa answered.

The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Have you ever lied before, Maeve?" asked Zara, looking at the girl in disbelief.

Maeve furrowed her brows, then scratched her neck. "..No. Who am I supposed to lie to, anyway? My parents would find out every lie. They know legilimency. And I can't lie to the teachers, either. I've never had a reason to."

"Oh, Merlin." Vanessa let out a chuckle, and so did Zara.

Cassandra's lips quirked upwards. "How are you a Slytherin, Maeve?"


"Where were you?" asked their headmaster as the four girls reached the Slytherin common room.

Vanessa, Maeve, and Zara exchanged looks, not knowing what to say.

Cassandra stepped up and shrugged. "Hogsmeade."

"Cass!" whispered Vanessa with widened eyes, not wanting to get in trouble.

Snape stared at Cassandra for a few seconds, who didn't look away, then nodded once. "Very well." He said, walking away.

"Oh," mumbled Maeve, "I forgot he works for your grandfather."

Cassandra let out a small chuckle, "Pureblood." She said the password.

The entrance to the common room opened, so the girls walked in.

"I'm heading to bed. Goodnight everyone." Zara announced as she put her hair in a ponytail.

"Me too. Night!" Maeve said, disappearing out of sight as she headed to her dorm- the one she shared with Zara and Vanessa.

"Same. Goodnight." Vanessa yawned, also disappearing out of sight.

A few minutes later, Cassandra sat down on the couch by the fireplace, grabbing her book from the table and starting to read.

"That book will make you bawl your eyes out," mumbled a familiar voice from the couch next to her.

"How long have you been sitting there, Theodore?"

"Theo," corrected the boy. "And I've been here the whole time."

"It's late. Why aren't you asleep?"

"Been waiting for you. I thought something happened to you. You weren't around all day."

She glanced at him with a small frown. "You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

He let out a sigh and leaned forward, looking at her. "Sandra, no matter how many light people have been killed in the battle of Hogwarts, there are still some out there."

"So? I'll be fine."

"They would want to get revenge on the dark lord.. you're in danger, Sandra."

"I've been in danger ever since I was born, Theodore. Did you forget my parents?"

"They've killed many people. But you should learn how to do it as well. Just for self-defense."

She immediately shook her head. "I don't want to kill."


"I said I'll be fine."

Theodore let out a groan. "You'll need it one day. I'm just trying to look out for you-"

"Well, don't! I can bloody take care of myself, Theodore." She stood up, walking to the staircases leading up to her dorm.

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