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—"AND PLEASE REMEMBER NOT TO CAUSE ANY TROUBLE." REPEATED ALEXANDRIA, GIVING HER DAUGHTER A STERN LOOK. Cassandra glanced at her cousin, who was grinning cheekily. "I can't promise you that, mother."

Cassandra and Natalia were staying in Slytherin manor for a few nights as their parents were going on a mission together.

Draco looked at the watch around his wrist, and then looked at his wife. "We've got to go, Ellie."

Blaise gave his daughter a wink. "Cause as much trouble as you can, Lia."

Natalia straightened up and gave him an innocent smile. "Trouble? What's that?"

Harry rolled his eyes fondly, then looked at his sister. "Do we really have to leave these two together? I don't trust them."

"Well, Sirius and Remus are going to be taking care of them, so we have nothing to worry about." Alexandria tried convincing her brother, but it seemed like she was trying to actually convince herself. "I hope."

Most of the death eaters— and the dark lord himself— living in the manor all had missions as well. The only people that would be with the two cousins were Sirius and Remus.


"What's this?" asked Cassandra as she pulled out a bottle from cabinet in the kitchen.

Natalia's eyes widened. "That's firewhisky!"

"Shit," cursed the girl, trying to put it back but was stopped when it was snatched out of her hands.

"Are you mad?!" Natalia looked at her with a gleam in her eyes and a mischievous grin. "Let's drink it."

"Are you mad?!" Cassandra shot back. "We're only fourteen."

"So? I'm drinking it. It's your choice if you want to join." Her cousin shrugged and got a glass, running out of sight.

Cassandra groaned, then got a glass and ran after her.


"Let's have fun with this. Let's play truth or dare. For every truth we won't answer or every dare we won't do, we drink a shot of firewhiskey."

"Alright." Cassandra nodded at her cousin's idea, sitting down on the floor next to the fireplace, where her cousin was also sitting at.

They decided to share a room tonight, not really wanting to be apart. The room was huge. It had two beds— which was on different sides of the room— and everything else needed, like closets and bedside tables and etc.. with a bathroom next door and a fireplace with couches and much more.

"Okay. Ask me first."

"Truth or dare, Lia?"


"What's your deepest secret?" Cassandra grinned.

Natalia poured herself a shot of firewhiskey. "I think I'm aromantic."

Her cousin frowned when she still drank the firewhiskey. "You answered. You didn't have to drink."

"I wanted to," shrugged the girl with a smirk. "Truth or dare, Cassie?"


"What are you most scared of?"

Cassandra grabbed the drink and poured herself a shot, taking it immediately.

She grimaced at the taste and the burning sensation in her throat, then shook her head. "Truth or dare?"


"What's something you really want to tell your parents but can't?"

Natalia tensed, then took a shot of the alcoholic drink. "I think we should stop the game and just continue drinking."

"I agree," chuckled the other girl, drinking along with her cousin. "Shit, what if we get drunk?"

"That's what I'm aiming for, Cassie."

"I don't want to get drunk."

"Then stop drinking."

Cassandra put down her glass and nodded.


"Have you ever liked someone?" asked Natalia that night, slurring her words.

The half-empty bottle of firewhiskey was hidden in Cassandra's bedside table— who hid it because Natalia was already drunk.


Natalia lifted her head off of her pillow and squinted at Cassandra across the room. "What do butterflies feel like?"

"I wouldn't know, Lia."

"But you're—" she hiccuped "—always with that.. that boy.." she hiccuped again, her eyes slowly fluttering closed "..and the way he looks at you. It's— it's—"

"It's what?" Cassandra stood up, sighing when she realized her cousin fell asleep.

She laid back down in her own bed and looked at the window, shaking her head.

Natalia was just drunk and didn't know what she was talking about. That was it.


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