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-THE NEXT FEW MONTHS PASSED BY QUICKLY. Cassandra was now back home, unpacking with her mother. Draco and Scorpius were in Malfoy manor, visiting Narcissa. After a few months of taking care of Narcissa and making sure she was ok after her divorce, Alexandria and Draco moved back into Slytherin-Malfoy manor when they were certain the woman moved on.

And admirably, she moved on quicker than expected. "I've been expecting it ever since we got married," was what Narcissa kept repeating, explaining how it was easy for her to move on.


"Yeah, darling?"

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

Alexandria's lips quirked upwards. "Your father's mine."

"Yeah, yeah, you love him, we get it." Cassandra rolled her eyes, trying to stop the smile growing on her face.

Her parents' love was precious, and it always brought a smile on her face.

"You're 13, Cass. Too young to be thinking about these things."

"14 in a week." Cassandra reminded her. "And from what I've heard, you had your first boyfriend at that age."

Alexandria tensed, something flickering in her eyes. "Who told you that?" Her voice was weak, catching Cassandra's full attention.

"Mum, I'm sorry- I thought- It was just a joke.."

"Who told you that, Cassie?" The woman repeated, looking at her daughter.

"It was in the Battle of Hogwarts book. It talked about a guy who entered the Tri-Wizard tournament or something. I can't remember exactly, but it said you were seen with him at the Yule ball."

Alexandria nodded slowly, turning around and continuing to unpack her daughter's trunk. "He died in the third task." She said after a few minutes of silence.

Cassandra let out a breath, looking at her mother in pity. "I'm so sorry, mum-"

"Don't be. It was a long time ago."

"Did you.. did you love him?"

The woman gave her daughter a small smile. "That's a question for another day. Anyway, how was your school year?"

"Fine and boring."

"Scorpius is attending this year, do not forget."

"I know," nodded the girl. "I'm excited to see which house he gets into."

"Look out for him, Cassie. No matter what house he gets into. You're his big sister."

"I know, mum. I'll always look out for him."

"Good," smiled the woman, who then let out a sigh. "I'll go make us some tea."

Cassandra nodded, watching her mother walk out of her room.


Alexandria watched the steam rise from the kettle, too deep in thought to notice the tea was ready.

"Ellie, love?" asked a voice behind her.

Alexandria refrained herself from jumping and shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "Yeah, Draco?"

"Are you alright?" asked the man, looking at her in concern.


"Okay," he nodded, still unconvinced. "Scorpius is staying with my mother tonight. He wanted to stay there for a little longer."

She nodded. "Alright."


"I want an iPhone," said Cassandra, looking at her father.

"What's an iPhone?" Draco asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a phone."

"Why would you want that?"

"It's much better than sending letters and waiting days to get a reply. You can also get one and even call me on it when I'm at school and hear my voice. I can take pictures and videos on it and it was made by a muggle-"

Draco winced. "Sorry, Cassie."

Cassandra groaned. "Who cares if it's a muggle device, dad?"


"A lot of people in school have it. It's not actually allowed for school- which is why they don't bring it with them and leave it at home- but I can take it. Snape would definitely let me."

"Do any Slytherins have it?"

She became quiet, giving him the answer he needed.

"That's what I expected," said Draco, looking truly apologetic. "I'm really sorry, Cassie."

"Why do you let me read muggle books but not have a muggle device?"

"This conversation is over, Cassandra."

"Fine," sighed the girl at the use of her name, standing up.

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