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—IN SLYTHERIN MANOR, THE DEATH EATERS WERE PLAYING BOARD GAMES. Cassandra heard her mother talk about stories of them playing board games when her mother was her age many times. Now, she was living it.

"—he owes me two hundred monopoly bucks!" Bellatrix shrieked angrily, pointing at Rabastan.

Rabastan looked offended. "No, I don't. He does." He pointed to Sirius.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Liar."

"Both of you do!"

"Bella, calm down." Rodolphus gave the money to his wife, trying to calm her down. "Here."

Bellatrix huffed, but still took it without another word.

"Honestly," Cassandra shook her head in shock, "you're death eaters. You get mad over a silly board game?"

"Get over here and try it." Barty dared. "You'll understand."

The door opened, catching everyone's attention. All of them stopped breathing when the dark lord walked in, rolling his eyes with a sigh. Almost as if this was a regular experience.

Which, to be fair, it actually was.

"Dinner's ready, kids." Tom said sarcastically, then walked out of the room.

After dinner, Cassandra was commentating while Sirius and Remus were teaching Scorpius to play quidditch.

"—and the great werewolf gives the quaffle to the inexperienced child, who has never played quidditch, while the big bad grim laughs." Cassandra said into the microphone, earning a glare from her brother.

"What are you doing?" asked a voice behind her, making her jump and pull out her wand.

She clutched her heart with a huff. "You scared me."

"You ought not to be scared," said Tom with a frown. "You're my granddaughter. You're not supposed to have any fears."

Cassandra sighed. "Have you found the Turpin brother?"

Tom nodded, catching her undivided attention.

She straightened up with widened eyes. "So?"

"He was spotted in Knockturn alley yesterday. Went back into hiding just today after almost being killed by my death eaters."

"Why didn't they catch him?!"

"They tried to." Tom replied with a shake of his head. "He was too strong. However, we know now that what we feared was right. He really is hiding until a time seems good for him to come out."

Cassandra groaned. This was nothing new.

"He's after you, Cassandra. And you better be careful. He will come unexpectedly. I am sure of it."

"Thanks for the help, grandfather." She muttered.

Tom glanced at her, then put a hand on her shoulder. "Fear holds you back, Cassandra. Let go of it. Stop letting it consume you."

She became quiet, watching as he turned around and walked back into the manor— away from them.

"Did you see the way Scorpius scored?!" Sirius excitedly asked behind her.

This time, she did not jump.

Cassandra turned around and shook her head. "No."

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