You Read His Diary

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Who were you kidding? Of course you were going to open it! Don't get yourself wrong, you knew this wasn't right, and you felt guilty about it, but the temptation outweighed those negatives by a landslide. 

As soon as you opened the book, your suspicions were confirmed. 

"Dear Diary,"  

It was indeed a diary, but the first page was the only one that began with such a cliché line. You proceeded to skim through the pages. You only wanted a gist of what he wrote, you didn't need to be here for hours reading through who knows how many pages. Your fast pace slowed down eventually, though, once you became more intrigued and engrossed. Ciel was talking about his feelings... 

Actually, talking about his feelings. And emotions! His diary quickly became one of those books you couldn't bear to put down and that had you hanging on every word. 

He talked about how stressed his work made him, how he was unsure if his plans for Funtom Corporation would fail, how much he loved his family... you and Lizzie specifically. The one thing that surprised you, though, was that he failed to mention any of his emotions toward Sebastian and their contract. You knew how it would end, and you knew Ciel accepted that, but to think that he didn't have any strong emotions on the subject whatsoever was doubtful. 

Eventually, the journal began to mention some juicy details. Some noble gossip, if you will. You didn't even think Ciel was into such petty things! My goodness, this book was one of the best things you've ever found! And then you flipped the page to read even more of this delight only to be greeted with the word "Fools," written largely over the course of 5 or 6 lines. 

And then the handwriting got far neater and more precise—more planned. "How dare you sneak into my quarters and try to rummage through my drawers. What kind of idiot would you have to be to not only do such a thing but to think you wouldn't get caught? Put my items down this instant and cease your snooping.

Oh... The words continued to berate you for reading his so-called 'diary' and intruding upon his personal belongings. 

"Did you honestly think I would write anything of this nature? Was that what you were hoping to find? Get back to work. I don't have time to deal with your tomfoolery all day and then have you buffoons slacking off by reading my personal entries. I hope you know that there'll be nothing to find in here. You can return to your duties now, Bard, Mey-Rin, and Finny.

And then the guilt came back. Bard, Mey-Rin, and Finny, he said. He wasn't thinking of you when he made this fake diary, he was only thinking of them. He wasn't expecting you to betray his trust like that, and yet here you were. 

You flipped through the remaining pages only to reveal that Ciel actually used this book as an event planner. Still planning things 5 years in advance, you see. 

Well this was a much more... Ciel-like thing for him to do. How Ciel, and how dull. 

You closed the book without prying any further. You just invaded his privacy enough by reading his personal—albeit fake—thoughts, you didn't need to invade it any further by reading what was on this month's agenda. The entries were boring anyway...  

You closed the book before putting everything back exactly as you found it and leaving the room. 

Then again, perhaps it was for the best that you got bored after flipping through a few pages. If not, you might have seen a certain date inside with the underlying words, "Propose to (Y/N)." 

 It would be a shame if you found that out... 

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