He pranks you

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       I was currently working on paperwork, and just like normal, (Y/N) was annoying me again. She was now speaking about some random topic, a few feet away, where she does her own work. 

    Sadly, she had finished all of her work, so now she had to prevent me from doing mine. A few minutes ago she had been looking over my shoulder trying to read everything I was working on, and asking me moronic questions. 

     Apparently, she was bored with staying a normal few feet away from me and decided to return to her previous actions.

      "Ciel!" She said as she walked toward me and looked at the new document I had out. "What's that?" She asked. Remnants of the icing of a pastry she had eaten was spread across her lips, like lipstick, as she looked at the paper. As this movement occurred, her head blocked my view of my own work. 

      It would be nice to have another dessert... "(Y/n) come here!" I ordered. I had something prepared for an event like this. It was when I was bored and had to wait on Sebastian to give me more information before I could continue with my work, that I created this. I never thought I would actually use it, but I guess I was wrong. 

       I looked at her before inching my face closer to hers. She closed her eyes as her lips collided with a thin soft object. Her eyes opened as she backed away and wiped her mouth. 

    "I guess this will have to do for the signature." I stated as I looked at the paper that I had put in front of her mouth to replace my own. "Here," I handed her the sheet. She wiped the rest of the icing off her lips as she read it. 

      It was a contract that stated that she would leave me alone to do my work for a whole day. Her icing lip print was directly on the signature line. "Really Ciel?" She asked, unimpressed. 

         I smirked as I took the paper back and ripped it up, "I suppose not," I answered, as I threw the pieces in the trash. "But I do have to do my wok, so you must leave me alone," I added as I returned to business. I, then, ignored her presence. 

       In the end she obliged, and left the room allowing me to continue my current job. I suppose that was a good joke altogether, in the end, that is. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ