You meet his parents

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    The stomping of horse hooves as they galloped throughout town soon became rhythmic to you. Ciel's form sat parallel to your own from inside the carriage; this isn't what you had in mind for today. 

   You didn't even know where you were going! Mountains; the word couldn't even begin to explain how big the piles of paperwork you had were! However, despite your job begging for attention, you abandoned it as to pursue Ciel's mysterious order of, "Come.". 

   Growing weary of being clueless, you began to observe Ciel's features, hoping to gain knowledge of what type of trip this would be. Sadly, no new information was obtained, for his face held the same expression of boredom as always. 

     Deciding to pierce the silence, you finally questioned him, "Ciel, where are we going?"

     His eyes left the window, landing on your perplexed form, "I wanted you to meet a couple of people." He stated the words blandly, yet somehow, you couldn't help but feel that there was strong emotion in his voice. 

   You couldn't bring yourself to question him further, thus, you resorted to simply enjoying the rest of the ride in a comfortable silence. 


     It didn't take too long for the carriage to eventually stop. You gazed out of the window in curiosity. It was... a cemetery? 

    "Ciel..." You mumbled his name nervously. Thankfully, before your worry could get too out of hand, Sebastian opened the door. 

   The moment Ciel's feet touched the ground, he began walking. Annoyingly, he had payed no mind to the fact you were slower than him, causing you to have to run. Fog seemed to cloud the air, resulting in Ciel's form slowly disappearing into the humid, white abyss. In an effort to follow your beloved, you focused your eyes on his coat, of which was being whipped around by the wind. 

    As you ventured further into the cemetery, the fog began to clear and Ciel's footsteps had stopped. 

    He had stopped in front of two gravestones. Kneeling down in front of them, Ciel began to murmur to them. Watching from a distance with Sebastian felt wrong.... Your breathing became shallow as you walked over to Ciel. 

     Once you crouched beside him, you finally noticed the engravings on the two stones. Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive. These were... 

   A few seconds passed, before Ciel finally turned to face you, "(Y/N), meet my parents." 

    You continued to inspect the graves as you felt your heart shatter, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Phantomhive... It's nice to meet you. My name's (Y/n) (L/n), I'm dating your son... As you can see... your boy is doing well..." You spoke softly, just as Ciel had, "Except for the whole selling his soul to a demon part..." 

   Although you mumbled the last sentence, you were almost positive Ciel heard it. Your eyes went back and forth between the stones, observing them carefully, "But he's managing. The Phantomhive business is still quite alive; he's taken it over quite well. He's growing up nicely too... I mean, he has killed a few people, but that would've happened anyway, huh?" You made another pause.  

    "You raised him well... But, maybe you should've taught him not to talk with demons instead of strangers..." You giggled. Looking back to Ciel, you noticed his bored expression had been replaced with a glare. Your laughing only intensified. 

    "You know, it's alright to cry at a time like this. You don't have to bottle it up." You stated comfortingly. 

   "I don't need to cry. It's for the weak." He calmly replied. Right now, he seemed completely emotionless. 

    Pursing your lips together, you released your final words. "Although he's had some bad times, I'm happy to report to you both that... his heart... His soul... they're cracked, not broken..." Was there water on your cheeks? "Thank you for allowing this boy to be apart of my life." 

    You faced Ciel again as tears rapidly ran down your face, "I guess I'm weak." You chuckled. 

     Ciel merely motioned for you to return to the carriage; it was a silent ride once again. However, the quiet wasn't awkward or even emotionless... it was simply silent mourning. 

 (A/N: Hey... so, um, technically I updated on a Saturday! In Pacific time it isn't midnight yet, still Saturday! Even though I live in the est time zone... and, um... Oh, who am I kidding? I'm sorry I updated late today! ...Please forgive me!) 

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