There's an intruder

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     The wind was howling tonight. The air was cold against your skin, and your nightgown fluttered in the breaths of nature. Your skin had formed goosebumps, although you weren't fully sure as to why. Was it the chilly night's air, or was it because of the recently discovered assassin that's been residing in your room for the past week? It was hard to tell... 

    You weren't wearing an expression right now. You were numb... probably still registering everything. You didn't feel anything-- you didn't know what to feel. Your breath kept skidding as the cool air got stuck in your throat; your heart continued to skip a beat every once in a while, too. Weird, huh? 

   The grass was in the middle of forming dew for morning time, and it kept tickling your toes. The moonlight was pretty, but the forest in front of the manor remained dark. You honestly felt safer out here than you did inside.

    The moonlight wasn't just in the sky either, you could see its reflection on Ciel's dagger. It was a blinding, shimmering white. It contrasted the black of the night, the black of the butler, and the black of the man at which the blade was pointed. 

  Huh... I guess somewhere along the way you began to shiver and shake. You felt like you could barely stand as your legs tried to cave beneath you. It was odd because you didn't feel like you were about to collapse... not emotionally anyway. I guess your body had different plans. 

   I suppose it would be helpful to explain what was happening... It was simple, really. One night, as you were asleep, you awoke to the sound of shuffling and crashing. You weren't scared at first, just confused. 

     Where did that noise come from? Was the sound a memory from your dream or did it really happen? 

  Those were the questions that you asked yourself when you first woke up. 

   You blinked a few times before rubbing your eyes. You were trying to focus on what was in front of you while your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. A softer version of the same noise happened again followed by a few mumbled curses that you couldn't quite make out. 

    Was it coming from your closet? Did one of Sebastian's hidden cats sneak into your room? Was it Phantom? ...Pluto, maybe? ...No... 

  It was just then that the light from the moon was able to strike one of the decorative creases on your closet door. The shimmer was just enough to reveal the only thing within that wasn't black. It was only for a split second, but you found yourself staring at an eye. 

 Your breath caught in your throat and you pulled the covers up to your chin. Taking a deep breath, you gathered all of your courage before flipping your blankets off of your body and sliding off the bed. You wanted to cower, but that wasn't who you were, and you knew that it wouldn't yield any positive results. 

    Careful as to not to make a sound, you slowly opened your night stand's drawer and pulled out a dagger. It was an item that Ciel insisted you keep close with you during the night. 

     It was a funny memory, really. The dagger Ciel gave you was quite cute. Unbeknownst to your love, a blade twice that size was already hidden within a book atop your dresser. 

   Unfortunately for you, Finny found that very knife a couple of days prior when cleaning your room as a favor to Mey-Rin. Poor Finny was so startled by its presence that he slammed the book shut in an obscure way and bent the knife. You had to throw it out... it was so beautiful... you really liked that knife. 

   Sadly, all you were left with now was this puny thing; you would be lucky if it managed to pierce the possible assailant's shirt. 

   Since you knew that you weren't well-armed, just to be safe, you snatched the thick pillow that laid at the head of your bed for protection. With that, you could merely hope that your racing heart wouldn't give you away as you crept toward the closet. In one swift movement, you swung the door open, stepped back, and guarded your torso with the pillow. 

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