He gets suspicious

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   Today, the manor has been dangerously quite. It's been so long since silence had filled the air during the day; typically (Y/N) was doing something or the servants were creating chaos.

    Deciding to take advantage of the tranquility, I continued with my paper work. After an hour or so, I finally heard something that was not caused by myself. Sharp, rhythmic footsteps...

   Then Sebastian knocked on the door. "Come in." 

    The demon strolled in with the tea cart, my afternoon tea holding a stronger fragrance than usual. "Have you checked on Finny, Mey-Rin or Bard recently?" I asked, taking the cup he handed me. 

"Yes, my lord. All are at work." He responded smoothly. I chucked my tea cup at him.

    With a frown on his mouth, the cup broke upon impact as the tea dripped down his face. "I am your master and you dare tell a lie to me!? I know those three couldn't do housework properly and silently if their lives happened to depend on it. Do you take me for a fool?"

     Giving out a light sigh, Sebastian opened that bloody mouth of his again, "My lord, a perfectly good cup of tea, and it's now staining the floor. I shall have it cleaned right away." He then turned around and began walking toward the door.

"Did you not hear me speak!?" Fury was definitely present. Sebastian merely turned his head before replying.

     "I would not lie to you, my young lord. If you do not believe me, you are free to check on them yourself." In a fit of rage, I stood up from my chair and walked over to the window beside me.

    Peering out, looking for more fuel for my anger, I only found Sebastian's words to be true. Finnian had been watering the plants and tending to the garden. Before I could come up with any explanation as for what strange universe I had entered, my door opened once more.

    Sebastian had proceeded to pour me another cup of tea before cleaning up the stain. I chose to let this topic pass and continued my paperwork; if it reveals itself to be a problem, I'll deal with it then. 

      As the day neared its end, I walked downstairs in search of (Y/N). She had yet to speak to me even once today, by default she must be the reason Mey-Rin, Baldroy, nor Finnian have created a single disastrous mess. 

     While walking past the kitchen, I heard murmuring. Peering into the room, I could clearly see all of them quietly talking together. 

    "What's going on?" 

   The four of them jumped, turning around with a look of guilt. "The Young Master's here; we're caught!" Finny cried. 

     "What is going on?" I repeated, this time more directed toward (Y/N). 

    With a nervous giggle she started to make grand gestures, "Well, you see... I was simply trying to give you a chance at a day of effective work! I assisted everyone with their daily chores so that no ruckus was heard, and in turn, I wouldn't be bothering you because I had my hands full." You nervously cheered. "We were just having a meeting and going over what could go wrong so that we can prevent it." 

      It was clear to her that I didn't believe her tale. "...And why would you do that?" True, she was kind, having pure intentions and doing selfless deeds does sound like her, but to give me a day of work...? No.  If that entire story wasn't a lie already, she certainly had an ulterior motive. 

      She sighed giving in, "Because I was hoping your workload for tomorrow would descend, so that we could do something interesting." 

     That actually sounded like her. 

       Looking back to the other three, they seemed to nod in agreement, despite shivering in horror, "Get back to work." I stated. 

   With that said, I left. 

    I might as well take advantage of this because whether I want it or not, tomorrow, I was going to be with that girl the entire day. She should've at least told me what she was doing. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin