Valentine's Day Special

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(A/N: So fun fact, I think I started this in 2017 or something. I never finished it until now, and it's literally been in my drafts this whole time. I think it's funny that I actually ended up uploading this in time for a Valentine's Day.

Fun challenge: I edited everything from the beginning, but can you guys figure out which part I wrote recently?)  

Valentine's day had been nearing, and you still didn't have anything planned for the day. Ciel wasn't one for affection or holidays, and you weren't one to make much in the way of plans. 

While you were reading a book in your room, you were suddenly informed by Tanaka that someone had called for you. You weren't expecting any calls, and you didn't know anyone who would want to call for you. 

Entering Ciel's study, you picked up the phone that was placed speaker-down, and without even saying a word (the sound of it leaving the desk must've alerted the person on the other end), a mysterious and deepened voice began to speak, "Is this Lady (Y/- (L-L/N)?" 

From the stuttered correction, it appeared as if the person just barely knew your last name. "It is. might I ask who you are?" You replied. 

After a few incoherent mumbles were shared between the speakers on the other line, you got an immediate shout, "(Y/N)~!!!" 

"Li-" Attempting to call out the name of the person who's voice you could clearly place, you were rendered unable to complete the title. 

"No! Don't say my name! Listen, on February 11th, I'm coming to visit! I want this to be a complete surprise to Ciel, so I need you to let me into the manor and to hide me for a day or two, alright? I'll be arriving around 1:15." It was undoubtfully Lizzie. You were assuming Paula was the one who originally answered the phone. 


Lizzie gave out her signature squeal before hanging up the phone. This may be easier said than done... 


When February 11th came around, you made sure to be waiting by the front door. You hoped to be the first one to answer and not have Sebastian suddenly appear instead. He was somewhere else helping Baldroy right now, but you knew how quick he could be sometimes. 

After reaching the 24th chapter of the 2nd book you were reading, you heard a knock. You rushed to the door, and thankfully Sebastian was nowhere in sight. When you opened it, you noticed Paula outside, but no Elizabeth. 

Paula gasped in relief when she saw you, "Ah, Lady (Y/N)! My Lady, you are safe to come out!" She happily announced. You were confused, but quickly caught on when you saw Lizzie emerge from the surrounding bushes and look about the area. 

Before you were able to question her, she hugged you. It was probably best to leave it at that. If you engaged in casual chit-chat Ciel or Sebastian would probably catch you. Instead, you quietly escorted her to your room. 


"Thank you, (Y/N)! You're probably wondering why I wanted this to be a secret. Well~ I was planning on getting Ciel a cake! I wanted to make the dinning room a bit more cute and lovely to present it, and I wanted to have it finished by morning so that I could surprise Ciel!" She explained. 

You would be more than happy to help with this, and you didn't mind her making this effort despite him now being in a relationship with you, but you still had one question. "Elizabeth, why are you not spending Valentine's day with your fiancé?" 

Her smile faded, but it didn't disappear, "Actually, work had taken him a long ways from me. He isn't going to be back for about a week and a half... I would like to spend Valentine's day with him, but I suppose I must wait until he returns." 

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