You move on

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     (The Prologue: 1st Part) 

      You still find it strange how this ever came to being. You were in love with Ciel, and then he did a wretched act that caused your relationship to be smashed like a ball colliding with a window. You became upset and overworked yourself daily. Yet somehow, someway, with the short time that has gone by, you found another suitor. 

     You went to yet another nobles mansion to discuss a business plan you had offered. After a bit of haggling and compromise you both came to an agreement that suited you both. 

   "Unfortunately, there is one road block within this contract..." The man pointed out as he observed the document. 

   "There is?" You asked, quite shocked. You had went over the papers many times, but there still managed to be a mistake? 

   "Yes, to connect our businesses like this would require a mass amount of paperwork with the method you insisted." The man explained. 

   "Oh," You sighed, you already knew that; there was really no way around the work not to mention lots of paperwork was kind of your goal. "I'll work on the legal paper requirements, I should have it done by a few months at most." 

    "That is too much time...a restriction of legal documents might also be a problem in the future..." The noble trailed off as he grazed his fingers over his short white beard in thought. 

   "I'm truly sorry about that, but do you have any other possible suggestions?" You asked, implying this was the only way. 

   "As a matter of fact I do!" The man explained suddenly. 

    "Oh, please, do tell." You sarcastically stated. 

    "This would go much more smoothly without any permanent or time consuming restrictions if our companies were naturally bonded; like by marriage!" He exclaimed happily. Your face lost all color. 

   "Marriage?" You repeated the dreadful word. 

     "Yes! It works out perfectly! My son has been looking for a nice young women for years now! His previous betrothed didn't even live to be born, and afterward the mother became barren; it's terribly hard to find a well suited maiden that hasn't already been married off or betrothed at birth. As I understand, Lady (L/N) you are looking for a suitor too, yes?!" The man seemed very excited. 

    "Well, I'm not exactly looking for a suitor-" You were cut off. 

     "I understand this may be sudden, you have been independent and successful for a while now, but I trust you will love Charles! Give it a few days of getting to know each other and tell me your answer. If it's a yes, you two will be announced betrothed and the contract will only need a signature to be finalized!" He seemed to have planned this entire experience out! 

    "I'm terribly sorry, but I don't have the time for this; if the finalization for the contract is too much time, I'll just gladly be on my way." You stated firmly. 

     "Then I'll pay you for your time." The man replied, confidence shined from his words. "Whether you end up liking him or not, I will make it worth your while; I truly want his wife to be a wonderful women like yourself, and this contract would be a plus." The man was practically begging now; his pride still remained but his words were no different than pleading. 

    You gave in, not for the money, but because of his plea. And just like he stated, you liked the male. 

   He was sweet, nervous, and kind. You spent three days with Charles simply going around town. He had a nice sense of humor, which made the day seem like something out of a fairy tale. It took your mind off of the pain from your break-up much better than any paperwork ever had. 

    You hadn't made your relation official...yet? He and his father were very patient on your decision; the male genuinely seemed to be happy just to have you with him. You weren't considered betrothed; just 

    You were fine with him giving you a slight peck, and that was all it took; even though he was nervous, PDA meant nothing to him. 

    The press decided to become nosy soon after and in a short amount of time your relationship of dating was public. 

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