He goes some place important with you

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   "C-ciel... I'm going out. Are you free right now?...I-i'd like it if you came with..." You asked, your voice quiet, dull, and soft. 

     Today was a special day that caused nervousness and slight sadness to fall upon you. 

    "I can't, I'm busy." He answered. True- his answer disappointed you; False- you were not surprised. Ciel is basically always busy; he rarely ever puts his work aside for a day or two for leisurely reasons. 

    "A-alright- That's fine. I'm gonna go then." You stuttered, inching back towards the exit. 

    "Where are you going?" That was certainly not a question you were expecting to hear; especially, since your offer had just been rejected. Did he notice your mood? 

     "Oh... I-it's my father's birthday today. I thought I should go over to his memorial area and light some candles and leave some of his favorite treats there. T-that type of thing..." You replied, your voice still low, "It may not be where he's actually buried, but it's not like his body would need nor want those things; it's better to have it where his spirit would be. Where he was remembered." Toward the end, you began to gain a bit more life in your voice. 

     You managed to lose yourself to a daydream as memories flooded your mind; the monotone words, 'I'll come.' happened to knock you out of it. 

     "...Really?" Astonished was an understatement, there probably wasn't a word in the English language to accurately represent how surprised you were. Did Ciel actually have a heart? 


     Of course, unknown to you, this wasn't an effect of 'a simple change of heart', Ciel had his specific reasons for choosing to go; most of them, however, were circling the fact that he would be in an enormous amount of trouble with you if you found out that he actually had no work. 

    Yes, it was one of those rare days where Ciel had no work to do and was unable to do future work for whatever reason. 

      You decided to not question it; he was going to come, and that is what mattered. 


     The carriage had to journey up a steep and rocky mountain trail of which just barely clung onto the rock, but it was worth it; being able to bring your father's gifts to him on his birthday was important to you. 

    A swarm of emotions clouded you when you finally came face to face with the cross that had been pushed into the ground, marking your father's memory. You began to set up the candles and treats, each movement careful. 

     With Ciel standing behind you, indifferent, you lit up one of your matches and set the flame to the wick. 

      "How've you been, Father? I've been doing well..." Taking one of the many treats from the dish you placed out, you began to eat one of them. This action seemed to cause Ciel to be aware of the fact that this wasn't a simple one minute visit. 

     Sitting down next to you, Ciel decided to talk. "I'm sure he was a kind, honest man."

    Peering over your shoulder, you smiled, "Yes. He was wonderful. He cared about work, obviously, but he loved my mother and I more than anything else; he always made time for us. I was lucky. He was oddly kind, yet stern, with tight principles and beliefs. I remember how he used to play with me when I was younger for at least 1 hour every day!" Your eyes began to gloss over from your nostalgia, "And each and every morning, he'd let me tie his tie; whether I was good at it, or not. He was so nice and jolly."

     Ciel had been watching you closely, unsure of what to do now.

     "I... miss him..." You whispered. "I miss him so much!" Tears had now been steadily caressing your cheeks in a light stream. Laughing gently, more memories of him flooded your mind. Laying down on Ciel's lap, you looked at the sky. "Ya'know, he used to read me bedtime stories all the time. On his days off, he would spend them with either mother or me. He also taught me how to run the business and how he worked, even though I probably wasn't going to have it." You rambled, "He even let me play dress-up with him when I was younger."

    Looking up at Ciel, you grinned, "It's so hard to believe that I went from 'positive and happy', to you..."

   You saw the engaged gleam in his eye quickly change to challenged. "You're the one who said 'yes', agreeing to be in this relationship. I simply proposed the idea."

    You laughed, getting off of his lap, "Yes I did, and I'll probably say 'I do', too." You smirked.

   Standing up and brushing yourself off, you looked over to your Father's memorial and the bowl of treats, "Goodbye, Father. Happy Birthday, I wish you a happy time." Ciel began to stand up as well.

    "Shall we go then, My Lady, Young Lord?" Sebastian asked, opening the carriage's door. You blew the candles out before looking at the treats. 

    Getting into the carriage, you took one last look at the land before taking off. 

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