Uh Oh

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           "Young Master, you claim you don't care for Lady (L/N) anymore, but you do this? Honestly you're decisions are quite confusing." Sebastian stated as he handed me another book. 

         "I didn't ask for your opinion, Sebastian." I replied as I observed the book he had given. 

        I began to skip through the pages until I found what I needed. I don't trust (Y/N) with this man, there has to be something he has done that is untrustworthy. 

     "How devious, looking through the Ranwells history to find some gossip on the next heir." Sebastian stated as he poured me some tea. 

    "I recall asking for tea, not a narration." I replied as a picked up the cup and took a sip. I had the day off today. There was no paperwork, nor any message from the queen. My companies were in no problem so I took this day to do some research on (Y/N)'s new lover. 

    I had went through countless newspaper articles, none of which showed any misdeed of the family. Sebastian was now finding me books on entrepreneurs, so I could search for the Ranwells. 

   Many hours had passed until I finally found something. It wasn't an illegal act, but it was something that truly made me mad. 

    "Oh my, Young Master did you find something vulgar?" Sebastian smirked as he looked over my shoulder. 

    "I certainly found a rat." I hissed. 

    The past 3 generations of the Ranwells have been doing some conning. Nothing illegal, but it was undeniably despicable. The great grandfather of Charles Ranwell had made a business decision that caused there company to fall apart and reach bankruptcy and debt. 

    This decision was made, purposely, so he could pursue something he wanted to do for a while. He truly thought it was worth it. He then passed the Ranwell business to his son. 

    His son decided to go to multiple lengths to hide this information of debt from the public. It can still be found in libraries or books, but he seemed to have found a way for the news to not report it, so it wasn't common knowledge to the public. 

     Afterwards, he began to search for a noble women with a rich father. They managed to convince the family to give them their daughters hand in marriage, apparently they looked like the perfect loving couple.

      A few months after the wedding and there businesses and banks are mended, the Ranwell cunningly made them sign a contract. That document being, they signed there money and business over to the Ranwells. 

     The woman is thrown away like nothing and their marriage is forgotten. Once again the public has no clue. They sell the given business and use the money to nourish their own, along with pay off the debt. The Ranwells then do the same with another woman. This has been going on all the way up to Charles. And just to keep their business and nobility afloat. 

    Charles Ranwells, grandfather has had many wives and is now married for publicity reasons and the same is with his father. Charles has had 15 wives, all whom I'm assuming have been bribed to keep their mouths shut about the incident. 

     I almost ripped the pages in the book. Charles Ranwell, the one who has my precious (Y/N), is planning on being charming, marring her, and then making her blindly give him her everything, just to throw her away and black mail her to keep her mouth shut. At this moment I don't care if she would want me back or not; I'm exposing him and breaking them up!

      Sebastian seemed to have sensed my fury and determination as he chuckled. "There's a social event going on at Lord Druitt's. If you care enough, you can expose of him there. Every noble is invited. I heard Ranwell Charles and (L/N) (Y/N) are going." Sebastian stated. 

     "Well then." I replied as I set the book down and stood up. 

    "Together..." I heard Sebastian mumble a few seconds after. 

    I guess the book wasn't set down after-all...because it just got flung at that demons head. 

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