You ask for a favor

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        Today, just like any other, you had been lounging around Ciel's study. You both managed to sit in a comfortable silence for quite a few hours, simply enjoying the feeling of one another being nearby, however, as time passed by, boredom began to invade your mind. 

    With Ciel being preoccupied with his paperwork, such a feeling didn't even get a chance to enter his mind, let alone take over it; but with your work load and tolerance for boredom both being tiny, the emotion didn't need to prod at you for very long before you had to do something about it. 

   "Ciel, I have a favor to ask~!" You began. 

     "What is it?" 

     It was very clear that he responded generally. He didn't care about what you had to say and he probably wasn't even really listening either; but that didn't bother you now, he would began to listen soon enough. 

    "Can you kiss me~?" You asked, your voice light and innocent. 

    Sadly, Ciel's response was nothing you would've imagined it to be. 

   "No, I'm too busy. Ask Sebastian." He replied. You could not believe it. 

     He wasn't even listening! That would've been his response no matter what the favor was! He should've been listening, even if just a little bit! Even then, he would've perked up after you said 'kiss'. 

     Taking a deep breath and controlling your growing anger, you decided to work with this. "Fine~." 

      If he wanted to blow you off and have you ask Sebastian, then you'll ask Sebastian. 

       Leaning against Ciel's desk, the room once again enveloped in silence, you waited for Sebastian to come deliver Ciel's afternoon tea; something that should be happening at about any moment.  

      When Sebastian finally entered, the smell of the tea immediately entered your nostrils, giving you an epiphany. Perhaps you should wait until after Ciel's cup is filled with tea before you ask Sebastian, after all, this whole situation would be much better if Ciel's mouth was full of liquid. 

    Patiently awaiting the right moment, you contained your smirk. 

    "I have a favor to ask of you, Sebastian." You started. Since Ciel was now on a minor break, he was no longer fully engaged in his work, allowing his attention to be yours, "Can you kiss me? You see, I asked Ciel earlier, but apparently he was too busy to do so and he told me to ask you." 

      Out of the corner of your eye, you could tell that Ciel was having a hard time swallowing his tea. He must be trying to conceal the fact he almost choked. 

    "My lady... I'm sure the young lord meant it as a joke." Sebastian calmly said.  

   "Really? 'Cause I think he just wasn't bloody paying attention!" You replied, shifting your gaze from Sebastian to Ciel.

      "Listen when I am talking to you." You ordered, your eyes staring down into Ciel's. 

     Standing up, you proceeded to leave the study. Books would be a better use of your time. This was not over yet. Sometime today you were going to get that kiss from Ciel, even if you have to pin him down to get it. 

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