He gets drunk

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       You had heard strange noises coming from Ciel's study causing you to check in on him. When you opened the door, the first thing noticeable was Ciel's face buried in his desk while he muttered nonsense. 

        Confused, you opened the door further before questioning him, "Ciel, are you alright?" Did his workload get the better of him? 

       "Perfectly fine~" He slurred. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he stood up from his chair. 

       He started to spout more nonsense as he aimlessly walked within the vicinity of his desk. "What's wrong with him?" You asked the butler whom was standing next to Ciel's chair. Sebastian might be the best person to ask at this point. 

       "I think he had a bit too much." He stated pointing at the bottle on the tea cart. You gave him a questioning look causing him to elaborate, "I served the Young Lord a new drink. He seemed to like it and repeatedly asked for more. Apparently his tolerance for it was low. Something I doubt he knew." From where you were standing, the bottle seemed to be some type of liquor. 

      So simply put, he's drunk. 

       You sighed at this. Ciel was acting like an idiot. 

        As you watched him, he began hobbling toward you, "(Y/N)," He whined. Before you could do anything, he fell onto you as his arms draped around your shoulders. You could barely support the new weight causing you to stumble backwards. 

       "I think he should be put in his room..." You stated trying to lift Ciel onto his own feet. 

        Suddenly, he stood up. He was still very close to you, which allowed his flushed cheeks to be visible. He then began to walk through the door. Did he understand what you said? Was his destination actually the bedroom? However, he didn't even make it through the door before he decided to fall. He collided with the ground as you started laughing. 

      There was a few second delay before you simply pointed at Ciel's drunken form before laughing hysterically. Despite having no clue what was going on or why you were cackling, Ciel heard your laughter so he did the same.  

    It sounded so forced, and sounded like his only point was to be loud as he attempted to copy you. But that only made you laugh harder and fall to the ground due to your lack of oxygen which had an impact on your coordination. 

       In the end, both of you were on the floor, laughing, until Sebastian had put Ciel in his bedroom to sleep off his intoxication for the night. 

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