You hit on him

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     "Ay, Matey! Do you have the booty!?" You asked, sneaking up on Ciel from behind, winking. 

    "(Y/N)?" Turning around, genuine surprise was on his face. 

    "I reckon you do~" You laughed, gazing down at... wink wink, "How are you this evening?" 

      In a very short summary 

 - Ciel had another case 

 - He was attending this party as to have an alibi, get slight information about the people involved, and to lower suspicion levels for when he starts to investigate 

 - It was a costume party- he decided to use the costume he bought last year since this entire thing was on short notice 

 -Most nobility within the area had been invited to this party

 -You were already planning on going

 - You heard of Ciel's attendance and of the case, so you're now trying to see if you can get involved. 

       "I'm fine, what are you doing here?" He asked. Half rhetorical and half serious; he was curious as to whether you came here on your own, or if you followed him, "And no, I don't have... booty..." He replied, reusing your pirate slang. 

   "Oh, I beg to differ..." You mumbled, "Anyway, I'm here to enjoy the party!" You cheered, a cover-up of your previous statement. 

     "Is that the only reason you came?" He asked, slightly eyeing your long dark empress costume. 

       "...It was...originally" You admitted. "But that's not the point now! The point is, I'm here to help! Besides, I'm already caught up on all the information since Scotland Yard has been battling this problem for months, and who are you to turn down free help?" 

      Ciel sighed, giving into your demands. After all, you were already at the party, if you wanted to interfere, you could; if Ciel tried to shoo you off, it would only raise attention. 

     "I knew you'd submit!" You chuckled. "You know... even if this is work related for you, it's still a party. It would be suspicious if you simply stared at someone the entire time and stood in the shadows..." You hinted. 

    "What're you getting at?" Ciel narrowed his eye at you, sending shivers down your spine.  

   "Well... why don't we dance...? You know, to get any suspicion off of you?" Horrible excuse and you knew it. You did have a point with the 'staring at someone' and 'standing around' parts, but it was obvious your request had nothing to do with such. 




    You pouted, groaning in disappointment. "Fiiine~!" You said. "I guess I'll just go find someone else to dance with~" 

     Ciel gave no reaction. Luckily, this was only the beginning of your devious and diabolical plan. "Oh, is that? Ooh~ Alois~!" 

    Just as you were about to fake run to him, Ciel grabbed your wrist. 

    "Hmm~ Yes~?" You asked, turning around. Fury shimmered in Ciel's eye; not directed to you, of course, but to Trancy. 

    "Fine, let's bloody dance..." Ciel angrily grunted, walking to the dance floor with your wrist in his hand. 

   "I thought you'd never ask~" You giggled. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now