When he speaks French

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  You were presently attending a party in the manor. Ciel's manor. Ciel was throwing a party. You nearly gave yourself a concussion whilst banging your head against the wall trying to wake up... 

   Anywho, Ciel was hosting a party, but the party did have a purpose. Ciel had been keeping his eye on a suspicious individual. It was a noble that seemed to be involved in concerning affairs. You didn't know if keeping watch of that man was something the queen asked of Ciel or if it was more personal, all you knew was that Ciel was willing to host a ball for it. 

   The party was actually pretty fun. There was plenty of food and the music was good. You had been talking to Lizzie earlier and socializing around, quite shocked at how lively the party actually was; even the servants looked like they were actively enjoying themselves.

   However, Ciel was still Ciel. A whole crowd was dancing in the center of the floor and yet Ciel was off to the side chatting with Sebastian and the occasional noble that happened to ask him how he was doing. 

 As you began to stray away from the dancing, you moved toward Ciel. Maybe you could get him to dance? I mean, it shouldn't be that hard to get pigs to fly, right? Give them some cloth, tie it to their hooves with an airbag, throw them off a roof, and watch them soar. So, all you had to do was throw Ciel from the roof... metaphorically speaking... although sometimes you did wonder. 

  "Ciel, do you want to dance?" You asked slowly. Approaching Ciel, you noticed he was talking to Sebastian... not in English. It was French, you think. Behind the two, you had noticed quite an array of unfamiliar staff; butlers and bodyguards alike. Perhaps a few of them worked for the man Ciel was subtly observing. 

   Ciel paused his conversation and looked toward you. He seemed like he was about to speak but you had interrupted. "Ciel, I had no idea you spoke French!" You gasped. 

  It's not something you really thought about before, but another language really did do something for you. French nonetheless, the language of romance.

  His accent, he seemed to pronounce the words so well! You had been trying to practice French recently, but hearing you trying to speak the language was just awful. 

   Ciel looked mildly taken aback by your random outburst and proceeded to stare at you, "Well there isn't much to say for it. I have some businesses in France. Going through the hassle of playing telephone with a translator to communicate with my work would have been too tedious to bare." He said. 

     "Can you say something in French for me, please!" You asked, pleading eyes and a giddy smile. Ciel raised an eyebrow at you, clearly not expecting you to be so excited that he was bilingual. After a short pause, Ciel began to speak French again, properly and fluidly. For you, that was nothing shy of amazing, you were almost a bit too impressed. 

 Toward the end of whatever-he-said, Ciel's eye looked to his side, toward Sebastian. You noticed Sebastian give a pleased grin in response before bowing his head and looking off into the distance of the rich and privileged dance crowd. 

    But, you ignored that. "Say something else!" You begged, hands entwined and hope in your eyes. 

    Ciel seemed to be a bit annoyed with your second request, but he did so anyway, "Vous pouvez vraiment être assez agaçant parfois. Un peu naïf aussi, tu me regardes avec un sourire si stupide et tu n'as aucune idée de ce que je pourrais dire. Vous rendez-vous compte que je vous insulte?" Ciel made a small pause, his face lacking emotion, denying you any clue as to what he could be talking about. But whatever he said, he said it in a smooth and sweet tone, "Vous êtes un chien. Vous êtes un rat de rue, une poussière sans importance emportée par le vent. Appréciez-vous cela? Voulez-vous que je vous en dise plus? Plus sur vous être un clebs?" 

    With your smile widening, you let out an airy sigh. "I've been practicing some French too, you know?" You said, moving closer to him. 

    You looked Ciel in the eyes before you tried to piece together a sentence that you could only attempt to translate one word at a time; hopefully it made sense, "Je t'aime. Tu es mon amour... mon espoir... ma lumière," You took small steps forward maintaining eye contact before placing your arms over his neck, your fingers caressing and entangling themselves in his hair, "...mon soleil, et mes étoiles. Tu es mon Ciel..." You finished, looking at the wonderful perfection in front of you. 

      His face, his eye, his hair, his... anything. He was him. You loved him. And that French just made you love him a little more. You couldn't stop yourself, you just kept staring at him. 

      It might have been creepy. You couldn't stop staring at him, the boy in your arms. This was the person you fell in love with and for some reason that realization decided to randomly spawn again. 

     While you were looking horrifying with open, focused eyes and an agape mouth, staring into his very soul, Ciel had leaned down and kissed you, putting his arms around you and pulling your body toward him. If he could kiss you when you were like that he must be your one. 

   Finally closing your eyes, you accepted the kiss enjoying each passing minute of it, knowing that Ciel would probably never do this ever again. 

     When the kiss had ended, he did something else he probably would not do again. First he smiled, then he asked you to dance. 

     Either he was scared for his life or Ciel was trying to appeal to social standards that claimed that a good lord pleases and dances with his lady. Since it was most likely the second one, you suppose you should probably start dragging Ciel to social events more often. 

      You certainly enjoyed that miraculous party. 

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