He teases you

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      Ciel's version of playful is far different from yours, so whenever he feels like having fun, it often comes at your expense... 

      There's been a few tall tales spreading around town recently. Tales about ghosts, monsters, and creepy beings with ill-intent. Specifically, rumors about them harassing people at random and causing them to disturbingly meet their demise. 

      The tales were all based off the recent killings that have been happening lately. The lot of them were harsh, unexplained, and puzzling. Luckily, most of the incidents happened a fair distance away from the Phantomhive manor... that is, except for the latest. 

      There had been another, similar murder not too far away from you, and the monster-filled tales were beginning to make more sense than the police theories. You didn't concern yourself much with the monster stories or the murders prior, but now, with the gossip being heard at every turn and the newest victim being so close by, it's all gotten to you. 

     You became so scared and paranoid the evening after the newspapers informed the public about the murder that you begged Ciel to spend the night with him. 

   Thankfully, he agreed. 

 So here you were, lying in bed beside Ciel, shivering so furiously that the bed began to shake. 

   "(Y/N), I don't get what you're so worked up about. It's a tale." Ciel stated, reading a book. "Even if it was true, there would be no reason for said 'monster' to come here. And, hypothetically, even if it did, it'd need to get passed the servants." 

        You remained silent, knowing that logically, this truly was absurd. The murderous creature would have no want for your life, and even if it did for whatever reason, Sebastian would surely protect you. 

    Everything was silent for a few seconds, "I find it odd how you're so scared about the monster out there, yet you don't care about the one in this very mansion." Ciel sighed. 

   And just like the that, the atmosphere seemed to grow heavier and eerier. 

      "W... What are you talking about...?" You asked, slowly turning your head to face Ciel. A small smile made its way to his face. 

      "Why, the very creature that roams these Phantomhive halls." He replied. His voice didn't waver. He sounded so sincere yet so unfazed. "The creature that comes out at night and attacks when one least expects it. You'd do best to beware." 

     Even though you knew he was merely teasing, you couldn't help being afraid. "You-you're lying..." You uttered. 

     As various images of what the creature may look like flashed through your mind, you felt the tiniest graze of an unknown object cross your shoulder. The feeling was so light and non-existent, you almost didn't feel it. Almost. 

    "AAAHHH!" A shriek left your mouth followed by a series of labored breaths. Looking to your side, you figured out what touched you. "Ciel, don't do that!" 

      If you weren't in such a frenzied state, you might have claimed to see a smirk on his face. After purposely frightening you, Ciel had gently touched your shoulder in order to scare you even more. The nerve! 


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