He gets sick

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      Despite Sebastian's amazing services, Ciel had managed to grow ill. During the first day of this event, you had witnessed something you've never seen before; Sebastian being assertive. Normally, as the butler, you are to follow your master's orders, end of question, but this time, he objected. 

    Ciel had tried to convince Sebastian that he was indeed healthy enough to work, sadly, Sebastian still refused to allow him to leave his bedroom. His simple words of wisdom for Ciel, was to rest. Eventually, however, Sebastian had been worn down by Ciel's nagging and decided to humor him.  

     So as Ciel did his work, you secretly watched over him while doing your own. After about an hour, Ciel had successfully overexerted himself with his work causing his fever to rise. Within a few extra minutes, he passed out. 

      Deciding to have some fun with Ciel's ignorance, you playfully called out to Sebastian like you were supposed to, "Sebastian! It seems the guard dog got into some chocolate!" He would get the metaphor. Soon after, Ciel was carried off to bed to rest. 

       By the time you had finished all of your work, Ciel had already awoken and given into Sebastian's nursing. Sadly, your presence had been a nuisance to him due to the fact he wanted to be alone during his sickness. He didn't like being pandered to and he didn't like to be the subject of someone's worry. Regardless, you still accompanied him. 

    Since you were already in the room with Ciel, you were to switch his towels when the time came. And currently, it was time. You yanked out a towel from the water bucket before wringing it out. Replacing the dry towel on Ciel's forehead with the damp one, you smiled. 

     "You don't have to be here. If you continue to lounge in my room you're only going to get sick in return, so just leave." He groaned. You shook your head. 

     "Besides, I brought a game. I thought it might be nice to play!" You suggested. 

     You walked over to an area out of Ciel's view. You had hid the game previously while Ciel was sleeping, planning on playing it later. 

      Ciel, not feeling up to a debate, sighed giving in. You brought the chess board to his bed before setting up the pieces gingerly. Sebastian could easily clean the game after you two were done, so the worry about germs was useless. You both ended up playing it until Sebastian had announced that dinner was ready. One upside to his illness had been he wasn't entirely himself, causing the game to last longer than 1 minute; in addition, you actually won a few rounds too, with a some ties, obviously! 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now