He has a nightmare

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 The air was crisp, and it smelled chilled. Lying in wait was certainly no party; it was full of excruciatingly long periods of idleness and boredom. The day was wasting away, and we were wasting with it. I sighed listlessly; this was getting far too old. We had been here for nearly 7 hours already, and the target still had yet to show. The sky was already beginning to lose its shine—its bright blue hue slowly being overtaken by a vengeful black. The sun was almost set. 

 Ordinarily, I'd consider myself to be quite patient when I need to be, but this waiting was getting on my bloody nerves! I sighed again. 

"Hush, will you!" (Y/N) whispered from the neighboring ally. 

 I looked over to her—she was just as annoyed—and I soon returned my sights back to the walkway. (Y/N) was getting fed up with this task as well, but she was right nonetheless. 

 I was actually thankful to have (Y/N) with me this time. I'm not foolish nor naïve enough to think that I, alone, would be capable of capturing this... this... this what? 


...Who were we capturing exactly? Or... were we even capturing anyone? What were we doing here? 

 I know that I've been in this location for hours, but what for? (Y/N)'s here too, but why?  I was becoming increasingly confused—extensively confused. Why was I in an ally alongside bins of trash? What was the point of staying here? 

 The garbage was filthy, and the smell was violating my nose. I needed fresh air. I began to stumble into the open, crashing into a few of the trash piles along the way, before I came face to face with a strange man that I didn't recall noticing nearby a few seconds ago. 

 He didn't stand out. I didn't recognize him. He remained silent as he stared down at me. Yet a second later, an ear-piercing boom resonated... and it came from him? 





And then another one. 




The ground was hard, I'm sure. Most likely cold with the sun half under the horizon. But I couldn't feel it. Or anything for that matter. 

It was a peculiar experience. Almost like an out-of-body one but without the confused sensation of seeing myself on the ground. Like watching a show—estranged from the situation. 

The only part I wasn't estranged to was (Y/N). 

I had heard gunshots. That much was clear now. The first shot was in my chest, fired by the man, but the other bullet came from (Y/N). Not too far from me was him—immobile. 

It's odd. I had already made my peace with dying. I understood that byproduct when I originally made a contract with a demon. That wasn't the part I was unprepared for, or even horrified at...  

 "CIEL! CIEL! Please wake up! Please! Come on, you can't die! Just open your eyes! We can get you to a hospital!"(Y/N) was wailing above my body. She held my head on her lap, and she kept trying to apply pressure to the fatal wound. "Please! Just wake up! Wake up! Wake up... You have to... You can't leave me... not like this, not yet! Don't leave me... Please, Ciel!" 

  It was always a concern of mine—What would happen to (Y/N) once I'm gone. But to actually be forced to see the events that would unfold after my death was heartbreaking. She was relentless. Tears as big as her eyes kept rushing down her face as she screamed her voice dry, holding onto a corpse. It was pitiful... and I should feel pity... but I didn't. Her pain was far more personal. I felt destroyed, self-destructing, shredded. I wasn't foreign to this pain... I refused to let the wounds from this pain heal... but I hadn't expected to feel it yet again in my lifetime. 

 I couldn't even comfort her, or touch her, or tell her to move on. She just kept wailing and begging. 

 And then I woke up. 

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