When he misses you

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 The two weeks that I was finally going to be alone were supposed to be relieving. Finally being able to get my work done without (Y/N) bothering me was almost like a dream I never thought would happen. However, that was only what was supposed to happen.

 The first week was alright, I only occasionally got distracted by the fact she wasn't here. Once every 5 hours I would wonder where she was before remembering she was on a business trip. 

 But after the first week, she entered my mind a lot more. I had even occassionally stopped my work at random to reminisce about fun times we had, times that I missed, or just times that she was here. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes... The way she smelled... The blank face she possessed as she creepily watched me work, or just the face she had when she was thinking or was bored. I missed her voice and whine. I longed for her touch, the way she used to lean on my shoulder trying to look at what I was working on... Nobody could quite break my back like she did. 

 I remembered her scent. She had a light vanilla scent... or at least that's what I called it, she refered to it as "Lioness Sunlight". And, with "a hint of Lavender". 

 I never did understand her need for perfume. The Lioness Sunlight she bought just smelled the same as her but stronger. It was a cheap perfume, too. 

 I have never really cared for her perfume. That being said, I never would have thought that I would be thankful for it either. 

 On the 9th day of her absense, she had become too much of a distraction. I had wrecklessly decided to go to her room and grab the bottle of perfume that rested on a shelf in her armoire, spraying it around my study and... bedroom. I returned the perfume to its spot before getting to work. 

 The room actually did smell like her. 

 It was almost like things had returned to normal. It was like she was here; next to me, possibly. The only repurcussion I faced was when Sebastian figured it out and started to mouth off. 


 "Did Lady (Y/N) return already?" He asked while pushing in the tea cart that early morning. He had immediatly noticed. 

"No," I replied. I don't think it took Sebastian much longer to realize what I did. 


"My, my, to think my young master would sneak into his Lady's room. How indecent and ungentlemanly of you~,"

"I find it adorable that you miss Lady (Y/N) so much that you wish to bask in her scent~,"

"I know you miss Lady (Y/N), but to drown the whole manor in that perfume seems a bit excessive. You'll down the whole bottle before she even comes back~."


 That butler needs to learn to shut his damn mouth...

 As odd as it seems, it did help significantly. The room didn't smell so barren anymore, like paper and wood. I managed to do my work more and go into little dazes thinking about her less. It was a good remedy.

 There was only one other fault. The problem had happened on the 13th day.

 It was in the early afternoon. While I had been working on some paperwork, the door to my study had swung open and a familiar and cheerful voice entered the air.

"I'm back! Did you miss me Ciel!" A soft voice questioned. It was a voice that I knew very well but have only heard in recent days in static and cracks over an old telephone. It was (Y/N)'s voice. 

I was suprised to see her there, she was not supposed to be back yet. 


"Yes, suprised?! I was able to get off a little early! You miss me?" She laughed, walking toward me. 

 "It is a suprise..." I replied. 

 She suddenly stopped approaching my place and looked questioningly about. She sniffed the air and, "Is that my perfume?" 

  My breath hitched and my face got a bit hotter. Bloody hel-

 "Why did you spray my perfume in here?" She giggled, walking toward my desk and hugging me. "Whatever, I missed you!" 

  At least she did not seem to care... "Welcome back, how was the trip?" I asked, touching her hands that were currently draped around my neck. 

 "Long," She said, kissing me from behind my seat, "Also kind of interesting." 

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