But first, let me take a Grellfie

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        It seemed like an ordinary day at first, that was until you started to feel like you were being followed. You felt like you had a pair of eyes watching over you nearly the entire time you were helping Sebastian with some of the chores. You could've sworn you heard a giggle a couple of times too. 

        Was your imagination simply getting the best of you? You tried looking at where you felt the eyes coming from but you didn't see anything.

     You were getting creeped out just as Sebastian's voice caught your attention. "My lady," He started. 

      "What, yes!" You answered loudly, him catching you out of your daze. 

       "I appreciate your help, but I can handle it from here." He stated with a smile as he dismissed your services. 

       "Oh, right, of course. Continue the progress, Sebastian!" You stated as you walked toward Ciel's study; maybe there you wouldn't feel so paranoid. 

       "My lady?" You turned around curiously. "Are you alright? You seem a bit...unsettled." Concern flashed in his eyes for a brief second. 

      "No, I am fine." You lied as you scanned around the room. "Perfectly...fine." You answered. "Bye!" 

      You ran into Ciel's study surprising him slightly. 

         "(Y/N)?" He questioned. 

       "Hello Ciel, how are you doing?" You asked politely as you regained your composure and walked toward him. 

       "Fine." He stated, returning to his work. 

        You peered over the desk to look at his documents. You simply watched him for a few minutes before the door opened after a knock. 

    You looked over to be greeted by Sebastian with a cart full of tea and sweets. 

      "My lord, it's time for your afternoon tea." Sebastian announced as he began to pour the drink. 

      You looked at the tea he was pouring, the color looked different today, was it perhaps a new flavor? That got you excited as you waited patiently for Sebastian to pour you a cup. However, just as Sebastian set down Ciel's cup, a voice you weren't familiar with, pierced the air. 

      "Ooh! I can't take it anymore! Get your hands away from my Bassy!" The loud voice came from the door way, as a person with long red hair and a red coat was childishly stomping his feet on the ground, pointing a red object at you. 

       "Grell..." You heard Sebastian mutter in a dreaded tone. 

      "Now get away from my Bassy! He's mine! I suggest you leave before I cut you into tiny little pieces!" The so called man, Grell, yelled as he was suddenly in front of you; the weapon only inches away from your face. Some sort of thing with chains adorning it. 

       You froze in horror at the object that was almost making skin contact, before Sebastian pushed the weapon away. 

        "Grell, what are you doing here?" Ciel was the first to question him, as he asked in nothing but pure irritation. 

        "I came to check on my Bassy! But instead I come and see this seductress trying to flirt with him and steal him from me!" He began stomping his feet again as his, somewhat high pitched, voice whined. 

       "Seductress...?" You mumbled. 

        "Worry not, My Lord, I will dispose of him immediately!" Sebastian bowed with a gleeful smile before opening a window. "Now then Grell..." His smile fell as his gaze landed on the stranger once more. He flung the person over his shoulder as Grell began to make odd noises as he gushed over 'Bassy'. "Goodbye!" Sebastian cheered as he threw him out the window. You stared in horror as the butler casually closed the window. 

        "Sebastian...You just killed him..." You mumbled. 

         "Oh, do not worry My lady, he is not dead, I assure you that." He bowed.

      You thought you had heard Sebastian mumble something as he resumed pouring the tea, it sounded as if he said, "We are far too unfortunate for that." but he couldn't have possibly said such a thing, could he? 

        "Ciel, how do you know that man? What was he wielding and why did he have it?" You asked as you sipped your tea. It was a new flavor and it was delicious. 

       "I'll tell you some other time, but for now, if you choose to stay, please be quiet." Ciel responded. You simply sighed as you continued to watch him do his work. So Grell was the one watching you all day, or was he watching Sebastian? What did it matter? You didn't feel watched anymore so that was good. At least, now you knew you weren't crazy. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now