When you're on the "To-Die" list

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(A/N: Transphobia warning. Ciel uses he/him pronouns for Grell

The day started off as per usual. I woke up, Sebastian served breakfast, I filed paperwork in my study, (Y/N) was out for the day running errands in town, and the servants caused an inhuman amount of ruckus that Sebastian eventually rectified by tea time. Everything was normal. 

Until Grell once again graced us with his presence. 

But I suppose that wasn't technically out of the ordinary despite how much of an inconvenience it was. Sebastian put him to work for the first few hours—said if he insisted on staying he might as well be useful—but now Grell had apparently reached his limit and decided to complain in my study. 

Why me? 

"Oh, and you won't believe what that bully Will made me do!" Grell loudly whined. Sebastian was listening but was clearly disinterested, and I was waiting until any of this would even remotely concern me. "This is my to-die list for today! It's massive! I mean look at all these names! Carolina Garrick, William Thompson, Richard Brassford, (Y/N) (L/N), Melanie Hatley, Riley Witten-" 


"Wait, repeat that one, Grell. (Y/N)...?" I interrupted. That couldn't be right. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)?" That must have been a common name, surely he wasn't referring to y- "Ah yes, I'm supposed to collect that soul from just off the town center-" that's where you were today- "Ugh, and of course that's so far away from the next soul I have to collect afterwards. Why must Will torture-" 

"Sebastian, we're going to the Town Center!" I hastily ordered. I quickly stood up and grabbed my coat. How were you on the to-die list? How were you even supposed to die in town? Carriage accident? Robbery? Sebastian had clear orders to protect you just as he should me, what were you doing on a bloody to-die list?! 

 "He- wait, where are you going?!" Grell shrieked, "Don't ignore me! Oh~! You know that girl~" Grell caught up, "Well I'm sorry for your loss, my Lord, but it says here that she's scheduled to die at 3:04. I hardly think that's worth wasting your time on." 

I didn't wait for him to continue; I ran out of the study instead. Bloody hell. 3:04, that was 15 minutes from now, and the town center was at least 20 minutes away by carriage. I would have ordered Sebastian to go alone, but if she was supposed to die today, he's clearly not carrying out his orders very well. 

I should've trusted him. Trusted our contract. Given him a new order—a more specific order—to not let her die, and then I should have allowed him to carry it out on his own. He could get to her in time. But I didn't trust him. I didn't trust him to not find another loophole that would inevitably lead to her funeral. 

So I told him to bring me with. He's done it before. It wasn't ideal, but it was faster than a carriage. Sebastian leapt out of the second floor window, running through the tree branches at inhuman speeds, in order to get to the town center. Me being there was slowing him down, but surely we would get there in time. 

We had to get there in time. 

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