He cheats on you

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       Several days went by, and Ciel and Sebastian seemed to be making a lot of headway. No, they actually solved the case! Today was the day you were heading back to your home. Sadly, for you, little (Y/N) wasn't able to help out or do anything really with the case.

   Since it was your last day here you decided to go shopping. The past few days you had mainly just been looking around. You didn't want to buy anything until the trip was over.

   The stores looked interesting; you had went window shopping a few days ago so you had an idea of what you could get here.

   A few hours of shopping later, and you had gone to 5 stores and have 2 bags full of stuff.

    "We should be going shortly, I should probably head back and pack up," You mumbled to yourself as you passed another shop.

     With a huff of air, you turned around and headed back to the mansion.

   When you entered the building it seemed haunted. There was nobody there when you first stepped foot inside, and there were a few eerie noises. A bit spooked by the lack of peers, you gained all your courage and walked towards to source of the groaning.

    It wasn't something you were to fond of when the noises led you to a dark hallway; although there was a bit of light. You continued to walk down the path quietly, passing many unoccupied guest rooms.

    Upon closer inspection, the light was coming from one of the guest rooms, whom's door was slightly ajar.

     Maybe your mind was only playing tricks on you, making you think this whole ordeal is creepy! It could just be, that somebody is staying in this mansion, in the guest room, and all the staff went out to lunch or something.

      You were about to turn around, figuring whatever that person is doing in there is nothing out of the ordinary, let alone any of your business, however you had a change of thought when something crossed your mind: Where are Ciel and Sebastian?

      Why would they have left the mansion, Ciel had no desire to explore this town. Maybe Ciel was taking a bath, or out with the staff...Maybe the person in the room knew where they were.

    You resumed your journey to the middle of the hall, still quiet, as the noises grew louder.

     A few inches away from the door you lightly knocked and creaked open the door, only to regret everything.

      Ciel, was on the bed laying there like sack of potatoes, while the girl that owned the place's daughter, was straddling him, making out. 

     You couldn't do much, you couldn't make a squeak and you didn't want to move. You just stood there with tears silently sliding down your face as you felt your heart shatter. You didn't want to watch this any longer, yet...you couldn't move.

     A few seconds went by feeling like hours, as you watch the girl make out with your boyfriend. He wasn't doing anything, but he was conscious.

    Finally, you backed away from the door. As you slightly wiped away you tears with your hand, you began to, just as quietly, walk back. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now