He rescues you

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      (A/N: THERE IS FLUFF AT THE END!!!) ~You don't have to read the following author's note, it's just explaining the update delay lately. 

(A/N: Remember the kidnapping scenarios? Neither do I! So sorry about the long wait! When Irma had come over, I evacuated with my family and didn't come back until a week later. I know that isn't a good excuse, I should have had back up scenarios at the ready (and I used to for a while) but I didn't. We were without power for a day and during that week even with the power, I had trouble editing my work which is what I needed to do, so I couldn't do that during either. I want to do that was time sensitive such as the 'birthday' scenario and the 'anniversary' one, so those became  a top priority. Editing them took a while and I strayed away from writing for a few days too. Basically, sorry for the wait, I hope you like this chapter too!) 

   (A/N: This is the next part to the kidnapping parts; I'll now be quiet) 

     3 singular days and your prior clothes, once fit for a noble, were now no different than rags. The original colour of your dress was long since forgotten by its fabric, for dirt, mud, and ash covered up any reminisce of the baby blue. 

    Sadly, your clothes weren't the only thing in disarray, your body was as well. Blood, cuts, and bruises newly littered your previously clean body. It was true, being kept prisoner was certainly no paradise. 

     With an aching body and a mouth that still held the metallic taste of your own blood, you looked about the dirty room in exhaustion. All of your injuries had been a result of yesterday's beating, a punishment given to you after you had spoken 'without permission'. 

     Confusion still racked your mind as to why they took you. Were you a threat to them once upon a time? Was your family a threat? Did this have any relation to... the hitman... the one whom attacked your family? Or perhaps the situation was more simplistic; ransom? 

     You couldn't reach a satisfying answer; after all, thinking was not your best skill at the moment, for even the injuries that were hours old continued to play silly little games with your consciousness. 

      Although, despite all the bad, you were still confident that you would be saved; it was just a matter of time. 

     However, don't let the fact that you were being held hostage in a cell give out the illusion that you were left to your lonesome. The mastermind behind your kidnapping visited the area quite often, allowing you to have 'company'. Luckily, none of his visits focused on you; the only reason he came, was because the room outside of your cell had been his office. Or at the very least, it merely appeared to be. 

   ...Speaking of which... 

     Coincidence it may be, but nonetheless, once again, the man entered the room. At his side, following him like ducklings, were two body guards; men that may not have had any room for a heart or a soul within all of their muscles.  

      Gazing up from the ground with clouded eyes, your body continued to betray you and throb. You watched the mastermind's every movement with intense concentration; this was one of the few times you were actually conscious enough to understand what he was doing. If you were lucky enough, you might just be able to get a clue as to his motives. 

       "We just got the positive answer from the Phantomhive brat! Give the men the 'okay'! Come time when that brat shows up, we'll do him in for good! No more stupid kids to ruin the industry!" The man chortled over the phone to, whom you assumed to be, the brawn's. 

     The Phantomhive brat...? Ciel...? They were planning on killing Ciel...?


    "No! Don't kill him!" Before you knew it, your hands were tightening around the cold bars of your cell as you shouted protests. 

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