You have amnesia

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 Ciel had a doctor stay at the manor after your injury. Sebastian was right, you had head trauma, but he was thankfully able to get you to a doctor in time. You were alive. Ciel didn't know who to thank for that. The angels? The doctors? Grell? 

He wasn't sure, but he was thankful, and that wasn't something he's genuinely been in a while. 

You weren't awake yet. You've been asleep for about a day or two, but the doctor said you'd be fine—that you'd wake up, your body just needed to rest. You were currently in a guest room. It was as plain as could be, but that made it easy to maintain sterility and for the doctor to do what was needed. 

After the doctor checked on you again and relayed to Sebastian that he figured you would awaken within the hour, Ciel uncharacteristically went into the room to wait for you.

He could have been working. He didn't have to be bored in a room with an unresponsive person wondering when they'd wake up, but he needed to be. It was as if he needed to see you open your eyes and be conscious so that he could truly internalize the fact that you did not die. 

To reassure himself. 

You awoke half an hour later. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, and you groaned at the sunlight. Your voice sounded hoarse, but it sounded alive. 

You made a few more grumbling sounds and groans as you awoke. Your eyes darted lazily around the room in confusion. Ciel stayed staring at your face cautiously. 

"Wre- m I...?" You mumbled. Your voice croaked, and it strained to form the words. Ciel passed you a glass of water and held it up to your mouth so that you could drink. 

"You're in an empty guest room right now. How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"I'm where?" You muttered again, "Why 'm I an em'ty guest room?" 

Your hand went up to your head as you tried to sit up, but Ciel put his hand out and urged you back down before handing you more water. You were able to grasp it on your own this time, and you took that chance to drink the whole glass. 

"How's your head?" He tried again. 

"It's... alright? Hurts a little, but I'm alright, I think." You answered. "What- What happened? Who are you?" 

Ciel felt himself relax upon hearing that you were fine. That relief was immediately repealed after hearing your last question. His shoulders tensed, and although he didn't show it, he felt a panic. 

"You fell off a bridge and hit your head. We have a doctor that will check on you soon. You don't remember what happened?" He knew the answer. 

"No. I don't- I don't remember that. Are my parents here? Can I speak with them?" You asked. 

Ciel's eye may have gone wide unintentionally, but you didn't seem to notice. Ciel's heart physically hurt in that instance, but he hurt for you.

He almost hurt for himself. If you didn't remember what happened to them... you definitely didn't remember him... 

"I'm afraid they're not here right now. The doctor will be here soon. You can ask him any questions you have." He answered, standing up and heading for the door. 

"Wai- Who are you? You helped me, yes? ...Thank you." 

You always were a sweet girl. 

"I'm the Earl of Phantomhive, and there's no need to thank me. I'll let the doctor in now." 

Ciel left the room, and true to his word, he told the doctor about your awakening and had the man give you another examination. Ciel watched from the door, but he retained a speechless role. 

The doctor then relayed the information to him outside the room. You had amnesia. You lost memories as far back as a few years at least. You didn't remember the hit on your family, you didn't remember coming here, and you didn't remember living in the Phantomhive manor for who-knows how many years. 

You wouldn't remember reapers, and demons, and angels. You were a clean slate.


"The amnesia, will it fade with time?" Sebastian asked. Ciel listened intently for the answer. 

"It could." The doctor unsatisfyingly answered, "Memories may come back over time on their own. But they may also not. Introducing the truth and displaying recent daily things might help unlock it. But then again, she may never get them back. No medicine will help flip the odds, I'm afraid. It's up to that young lady and her mind if they'll return." 

"I see. Thank you, Doctor." Sebastian dismissed on Ciel's behalf. 

"Oh! Be careful with the lady. She's fine right now—in the clear to do whatever she does—but if she sustains another head injury like that, the effects may be more dire. She's sensitive now. The next one could be fatal." 

The doctor left then. (Y/N) was fine, and Ciel was left to his lonesome with Sebastian. 

"Would you like me to gather some items of nostalgia, my Lord? It may help bring back some of Lady (Y/N)'s memories?" The butler asked. 

Ciel remained silent, leaning against a wall and looking into a random, empty room. He was contemplating something, but it wasn't Sebastian's question. 

"No." He finally answered. "I want you to break the news to (Y/N) about her parents." 

Sebastian seemed surprised but not hesitant. "I want you to do it as gently as possible. Mention that she was sent here by the queen for protection and that the threat has since been eliminated... Then I want you to send her home. Back to her mansion." Ciel decided. "Call one of her maids and ask them to come get her." And then he turned his back and walked away. He didn't want to see Sebastian's reaction, whether it be shock or interest. He didn't care. 

Ciel watched as you left. He never spoke to you since the first reaction except to bid you farewell. You thanked him for his help from before, and you thanked him again for saving you from your fall. He took the gratitude with a polite smile as he watched you get into your carriage. 

You took the news about your parents fairly well, saying how somehow they already seemed like a distant memory. He filled in the blanks of your mind by telling you that you lived at his manor for a few months after the hit before returning to yours where you've been running your parents' business on your own these past few years. 

He decided this was for the best. 

He remembered his dream. The one where he died and your heart broke. He didn't want that for you. You didn't deserve that, and that time was coming closer and closer each day. Sebastian would have his soul sooner or later, and if you had the chance to escape that memory, Ciel would accept that opportunity for you. 

Besides, you were in too much danger with him. You were exposed to criminals, angels, reapers, and death almost daily. You were kidnapped and hurt in the past because you associated with him. If he had to guess, your supposed-to-be-murderer wasn't after you for the sake of you either. He almost lost you before, and he didn't want to risk that again. 

If anything, he did lose you. But so long as you were alive, and happy, he supposed he should accept that as a blessing. It was better this way. You would be better this way. 

It was time to say goodbye. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora