You get caught making out

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       Previously reading in the library, you were now in the kitchen due to the fact a whale seemed to have found its way inside your stomach. Hoping to appease the creature's screaming with some food, you were about to call out for Bard when you happened to trip on something. 

     Unfortunately, the trip was not a minor one, for it resulted in the loss of your consciousness. However, you found something peculiar about this, when you fell, a cracking noise had reached your ears. Did you trip on a plate...? 

      Time passed by, and you were soon awoken by the sound of a door creaking open. Curious, you briefly opened your eyes, only to immediately shut them after. When you fell, you must've alerted one of the servants, for you were now in your bedroom. The intruder whom opened your door, began to walk toward you. 

     Just from the sound of his shoes clanking against the floor, you could easily tell it was Ciel and his man heels. The footsteps reached your bed before silence engulfed the room. Luckily, it appeared as if Ciel hadn't seen you open your eyes. So for all he knew, you were still asleep. 

    You continued to fake unconsciousness while Ciel stood at your side. 

     A few seconds passed by, leaving you to only wonder what he was doing or why he was here, but soon, something happened. You felt pressure added to your bed as it dipped down. From the bed's movement you could tell Ciel was slowly leaning toward your form. 

    Internally smirking, you gained knowledge of Ciel's motives. Quickly moving your head upwards, Ciel's lips, which were meant to reach your forehead, touched your lips instead. He instantly parted, his face only centimeters away from you.

     He must've assumed you moved in your sleep; of course, that assessment was soon proven false when your eyes opened and your massive grin revealed itself. 

     "That was too short." You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, preventing any escape. You pulled him down and reattached your lips. Although Ciel was surprised, he didn't seem to be arguing with the current situation. 

    A few minutes passed without interruption, however, fate had other plans as they felt as if a long lasting kiss with the one you loved, was absurd; so they sent Mey-Rin over to disturb you both. After the door opened yet again, startling the two of you, a female yelp resonated. 

     "I'm so sorry for intruding!" She hastily screamed, slamming the door shut in her wake. 

      Ciel's face had flushed red as he separated from you once more. "Well, I see you're awake." He stated, attempting to act casual. All you could do was sigh, at least it was nice while it lasted...

        But honestly, Mey-Rin couldn't have knocked before she came in to put your laundry away? 

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