Your birth day

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   (A/N: Today marks the day this book was started! September 22nd! This book is officially 1 year old and to celebrate this, I decided to make it the reader's birthday! Thank you so much for how far you've made this book get and for reading it! I appreciate it. Have a good day!) 

      "Please! Can we come?!" Finny's chipper voice rang throughout the main entrance. You were just about to leave the manor and put the last box of streamers in the carriage when Finnian had surprised you with a sudden question. 

    Turning around to face the antsy boy, you noticed Mey-Rin and Baldroy behind him. You weren't entirely sure what to say; of course, you wouldn't forbid him from coming, but would Ciel or Sebastian be alright with it? 

     Baldroy, bonked him on the head directly after his cheery question, "Finny, you can't ask things like that!" As Finny pouted, you couldn't help but chuckle at them. What Finnian had been referring to was your birthday party. The party would be hosted by yours truly and at your manor on the exact day of your birth, (Birthday date), meaning the celebration was in about a week. 

      "Sure you can come! But only if Ciel allows it." You stressed the 'but', you didn't want to give Finny any false hope. 

    Finny's face lit up almost immediately, thrill stamped on every centimeter of his face. "Tha-!" Just as a reply was about to form, he cut himself off mid-word upon seeing a familiar blue hue in his peripheral vision and hearing a familiar clunk. 

    Looking toward the staircase, you were met with the sight of your beloved and his loud wedges, descending the stairs. "Afternoon, Ciel!" 

    "Good afternoon." He responded, complete monotone. His gaze traveled down to the small brown box in your hands, ignoring the servants' presence entirely, "What's with the box?" He asked curiously. You hummed quietly before looking inside. 

     "Oh, it's for my birthday party!" You cheered, a large smile on your face. 

   "Birthday party?" He repeated. 

    "Yes! My birthday party, since my birthday's coming up!" You exclaimed. "You... didn't forget... right?" You asked with a hint of tease. His face held the same stoic expression as always, but you could see the truth in the part of him that can never tell a lie; his eyes. His eyes softened in a way as if he was looking at pure innocence.

     "No, I didn't." He replied. He wasn't lying. 

     "Good! I, um, brought the boxes and supplies back here because my manor was further away from the store than yours. I hope you don't mind. I'm bringing them to my place now." You responded, "Oh, and don't worry, the party's gonna be at my mansion not yours." 

    Turning around, you continued your previous route to the carriage that had been patiently awaiting your arrival outside, however, moments later, Ciel's voice stopped you. "So when were you going to tell me about the party?" You stopped, processing the question until you reached a realization. 

     A look of shock crossed your face as you turned around 180 degrees, "Hehe, I thought I told you, but now I'm remembering I did not..." You gave out an apologetic and sheepish expression, giggling nervously, "Sorry..." 

     Although seemingly satisfied with the answer, Ciel nonetheless did an eye roll in 'Ciel language', something you picked up after being with him for so long. 

           Heading toward your transportation once again, you stopped yourself for the 3rd time after remembering something else to say, "Oh, and by the way, I don't expect you to actually come to the party, since I know how much you hate social gatherings; so, you don't have to come." Flashing the most 'innocent' expression you could give, you continued, "I do, however, expect presents from you, my dearest, loving, darling Ciel!"  

     And with that, you left. 


      ~Ciel's P.O.V~

       I didn't need Sebastian to tell me the consequences of not going to the party; I could figure it out on my own. Despite the fact, (Y/N) tried to give me a choice of whether or not to go, I didn't quite have one. 

     My sales could decline and my reputation could be lowered if I didn't attend. Word would get out quickly that I didn't go to my girlfriend's birthday, and as if word of mouth between nobles wasn't bad enough, I'm sure the press would love to write about the subject as well. 

      I certainly did not need the media exaggerating the scene to the public. 

         So after clearing my schedule for (birthday date), I had been left to sit in my chair, utterly dreary. I know (Y/N) well, yet I still couldn't think of a single thing to get her. Dresses aren't something she's interested in, jewelry for some reason didn't feel right, and I was not going to get her another pet. 

        Maybe it would've been better if I began thinking about this sooner. 

      "After forgetting Lady (Y/N)'s birthday, you have yet to think of something to get her. My, my young master, how unlike you. You're in quite the predicament." Sebastian teased. 

      "I did not forget it!" I growled, "I forgot she celebrated it..." I mumbled. And that's why I didn't start thinking sooner. With (Y/N) being somewhat similar to myself, I managed to stray away from the idea of a party coming with her birthday. It's not like I had any reminders anyhow; the servants birthday's aren't celebrated much and I don't like to celebrate my own. 

     "Young master?" I hummed. "Since there's nothing you could get her that she couldn't get herself, why don't you chose something that has sentimental value?" 

    I looked up from my desk... that might be... easier. 


Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon