He gains your trust

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   (This is for the Break-up series thing) 

    Lately, I've noticed (Y/N) is more distant since I got her back. It's annoying, I don't like it. She  began to tense up when I'm around, almost like she was afraid of me. 

  I knew why, I couldn't blame her. She had lost some of her trust in me. How could she not? I asked her to do something that I would have thought outrageous; I guess this is the consequence. 

    Except there's one problem, I'm not dealing with this. I'm not going to allow it to continue until it possibly wears off; I have no patience for that. And the possibility that (Y/N) could be in constant worry that I would betray her again is all the more reason to solve this problem now. 

     I worked a bit over my usual time this past week as to get enough paperwork done equivalent to one day's worth. Once that was done, the day had come that I use this extra time to gain her trust again. It would be hard...so, so hard. But I suppose I must...

      The day was now over as everything was ready. I honestly hoped this will work. Tomorrow evening I'll show her. 

 ~Time Skip~ 

     "Ciel, where are you taking me?" She asked curiously as Sebastian held his hands over her eyes and followed me. 

     "Here," I replied, Sebastian removed his hands. It was a plain field with a giant tree to the side. 

     "It's so beautiful!" She giggled. 

     "You see that tree?" I asked, she nodded, "It's been here for around a hundred years...It's said to stay around a hundred more." I explained.

    "Interesting!" She laughed as she ran toward it, I followed her. 

       "I will be with you," I started, she turned to face me, curiously, as I put my hand on the tree. "I will be with you as long as this tree still holds...possibly even longer." I told her. 

         "Ciel..." She mumbled my name before saying the same oath. "...As long as this tree holds," She smiled at me. Barking was then heard. She peered behind the tree only to be met by a puppy. This was going to be hard... 

     "Ciel, look it's a dog!" She cheered. She went to pick it up and pet it, "Look it's name is... Fantom!" She said as she read the collar. 

"It's ours..." She stopped her actions as she gazed at me, "What?" She was registering my previous statement. "No...you're...serious...?" She seemed astonished, I nodded. 

    "The servants will be taking care of him and watching him, but he is ours." I replied. "It's a dog, it can't be left alone... I wanted to make it as clear as day, that I'm staying with you." I stated. She smiled, gently. 

    She then gazed up at the sky as if thinking..."Fantom Phantomhive...Hard name to come up with, did you choose it yourself?" She teased. 

    She began to play around the field with the animal as I watched from the tree. 

     Well, it worked at least. She seemed to be more confident in my staying by her side. I guess the creature was worth it. It seemed to annoy Sebastian to barley any end so that was a plus. This was going to be so hard. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now