4. A Birthday In His Bed?

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- Why are you always getting into trouble, Feng Xin?! When will you finally grow up? What kind of Alpha are you!? We are not boys any more!

Xie Lian's words made him blush. He cast a critical look at the boy on the floor and went back to open the door wide so that the place could get some fresh, cold air. The rain threatened to come inside too  –  the storm was getting even more severe. Evening was coming fast, so the sky was almost black now.

- I'll have to leave, Dianxia. I'll lock the bar up. There are no people today anyway. It's nasty weather here. How's the weather in Florida?  –  he grinned now.

- Don't change the subject!  –  Xie Lian mumbled. – Do whatever you have to! What's the problem? Is it... is it San Lang? He is not answering his phone, and I am so very worried!!!

- Ughh, no. Your loverboy is fine.  Saw him just 5 minutes ago... Unfortunately.  –  he mumbled now. – He's missing you. A lot. Looking truly pathetic too!  –  he mocked.

- A-Xin!  -  Xie Lian scoffed. – I hope you get to be an Omega in your next life! You are so lucky to be an Alpha! You don't know... just... how hard it is... on him... And why aren't you mated yet?!

- Ughhh, not this again!  –  Feng Xin rolled his eyes, irritated.

- Hmmm. So?  -  Xie Lian was already fully awake, and paying attention, expecting another crisis. Feng Xin wouldn't have called otherwise.

- It's the boy. Ummm...

The bouncer grunted, now leaning over and helping Mu Qing on to his feet again, doing his best to spread out some calming scent or other, unsure, hoping that the chilly air from outside would wake him up a little. The boy just sighed and immediately moved to snuggle into him, visibly calmer and looking smug and pleased.

So, the pheromones worked. 


There was no doubt now. An Omega. In heat.

He was giving a brief and angry account of the day to his boss, and Xie Lian was speechless for some time too.

- I see. I wish I was there. He cannot be alone right now, Feng Xin! You need to take care of him!

- Uggh, no! This is not my problem! Come on!

- There's no one else, dude. His parents are here with us too! I'm sure you know he is a pure-blood too!  -  Xie Lian mumbled over the phone.

Feng Xin gaped for a moment and looked down. There were warm, gentle waves of sweet scent coming off Mu Qing's body, and he was starting to feel dizzy too. The boy's long hair was tied up high in a bun, and his neck was so bare, so easily accessible, and looking so delicious, that his mouth was filling with saliva. It was his nature, and it was slowly taking over, no matter how strong and stubborn he was.

- But...  -  he tried to protest.

- I'll let his parents know. That's the real hard part. His mom is... ughhhh...   –  Xie Lian interrupted him with a tone that allowed no objections.  –  Meanwhile, you take care of this. It's not your first time, I'm sure!  –  he huffed now.  –  I have to go! It's 3 in the morning here!

Feng Xin gaped again, too annoyed that the call was just cut, just like that, and now growled:

- Fucking pure-bloods! It is my first time with a virgin, actually... Dammit!

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now