11. Birthday Downpour.

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The Alpha was so very stunned that he let the sulking Mu Qing drag him back to the bedroom, and, huffing and puffing, remove his shirt and pants, and pick new ones for him fussily, after having ironed those diligently, of course. 

He was standing there, in the middle of his own house, watching the fussing Omega remove his moist clothes from his body, and pull new, dry ones over him comically  –  mostly because he was a lot taller, and the boy had to be reaching up, or pulling him down so that the fresh shirt could be put on. 

Of course, the brat was mumbling all the time:

- Why was he eating the meat if it was burnt... and why is he staying in his wet clothes for hours.... The idiot! And he has brought me food, and I never asked him to! And why is he gaping like a fucking dead fish now, what's wrong with this weird Alpha, dammit...?! He is probably still hungry... I'm sure he is! Uh, he is most probably lying to me, the stupid fool... Dammit!

Feng Xin was listening, and watching, of course, amazed; it was like having a wife!  Soon the Omega was (kind of) satisfied with the results of his efforts for order, and  –  after getting his underwear into the drying machine, and placing a new b...

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Feng Xin was listening, and watching, of course, amazed; it was like having a wife!  Soon the Omega was (kind of) satisfied with the results of his efforts for order, and  –  after getting his underwear into the drying machine, and placing a new bundle of dirty laundry inside the washing machine, and as all the dishes were washed, and the bedroom looked meticulous again  –  he finally scoffed:

- Let's go, moron!

The Alpha grinned foolishly, and just nodded. The small Omega had even pulled out an old jacket of his from the wardrobe  –  one that he had totally forgotten about, and kind of hated  –  but it didn't matter.

- I forbid you to wear any more wet clothes! Ever! Do you understand?! Why are you grinning like this?! Feng Xin are you suddenly retarded?! OK, nod if you understand? Yes? Yes. OK? OK!

- OK, wifey!  -  Feng Xin giggled, but then:


He got hit in the chest by his own phone and  grunted  –  the motherfucking Omega was so strong, and definitely enjoyed throwing stuff  at him!

- Call for a cab! Now! Moron!

- OK, wife!  –  he hollered now, far too amused.


- Hey, dude, I don't want any trouble!  –  the cab driver mumbled the very moment they got in. The scent was suffocating. 

- It's fine. I'm sorry for this. –  Feng Xin grumbled. He knew that his scent was probably too overwhelming for the Beta even at the moment they got inside.

- Are you guys on your honey-moon?  –  he grinned now, calmer, taking a peek at them in the rearview mirror.

- HUH. -  Mu Qing pouted and looked away.

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now