27. Deeper.

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After a couple of drinks, it was all forgotten. It surely hadn't been the first scuffle between the Alpha and the Beta, not at all, and it seems that Mu Qing was the only one who remembered those, and always worried about those too.

At about 10 at night, now handsomely drunk, Xie Lian announced that "I AM BUYING!!! DRINKS ALL AROUND!!!", and the poor Omega was thankful there were just a handful of people left in the bar, because now orders started raining one over the other. He dimmed the lights and put on some classic cold jazz in the hope that it would chase most people away, and they would finally  go home, but no.

Hua Cheng announced that he was hungry with a whine, and now Dianxia was on the phone, ordering pizzas for days, with the triumphant yell:


Feng Xin was smirking, far too happy about the free food now, raising his glass to them, and barking in their faces:

- I hope you are totally unhappy together! You so deserve each other, assholes! The one is stupid, the other is pathetic! And Alpha and a Beta will  never  work!

- Don't be an idiot, Feng Xin.  –  Mu Qing mumbled at him, and he just grinned back, absolutely certain that he was right.

- I don't care what you think, motherfucker!  –  Hua Cheng huffed.

- Behave, puppy... Mmm... such a delicious puppy...  -  Xie Lian was cooing, his face buried into Hua Cheng's neck, to kiss and lick.

- Let's go home, Alpha... Please... -  the Beta would whine and beg, needing to be all alone with his lover again.

- Soon, cub. We celebrate tonight! Smile for me, my little one? Mmmm?

- GeGe... Ohh... Ughh... I'm doing it... just for you... Uhhh...


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Mu Qing was watching them make out, blushing, rigorously drying up a very dry glass, rubbing it into a piece of cloth, his hands trembling. He could feel Feng Xin's eyes on his body, unquavering, hungry, the eyes of a dominant Alpha.

Feng Xin was licking his lips, remembering vividly their deep kiss. His rut was supposed to be over now  –  that was the reason why he came to work today at all. But this boy... this boy was triggering too many things inside him, and he was a little scared, because those were things he could not control. 

Right now, listening to the morons moan and groan, and literally feeling  the heatwave coming off Mu Qing's body  –  it was all just turning him on, rut or not. He was grabbing his glass too tight now, licking his dry lips, awfully tempted to jump over the counter and just push himself into that warm, soft Omega that smelled so sweet, that was so hot, that beckoned him  –  all of him  –  Mu Qing's body, voice, scent.

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now