47. Pre-heat.

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The next day started so calm and easy that Mu Qing thought he was still in the land of dreams. Breakfast was healthy and balanced, of course  -  Feng Xin's dad had woken up early to cook some for them, and also  -  defrost some meat for lunch, in hope that they would stay until then. It felt so homely, all of it, that he could finally let go of his Alpha, and go round the house, sightseeing in a way.

Feng Xin was blushing all the time, watching his dad and his little one talk about how he liked his meat, and putting different spices all over it, as if doing some voodoo shit or other, so that the kitchen now was powdered too much in black pepper, and Feng Xin started sneezing, growling between sneezes, time after time, which in turn made Mu Qing laugh so hard that tears came into his eyes.

But those were happy tears. 

And the beautiful eyes were no longer blood-shot and puffy. 

The Omega didn't smell upset any more. 

There was candy in the air again, there was joy.


Lunch was so colorful, with 4 different types of salad, that he agreed to having some too. For some strange reason, it all felt like... a holiday.  Like Christmas. Like there was no trouble left in the world.

His dad was babbling happily too, finding a lot in common with the little Omega, and telling funny stories from his childhood. Feng Xin was flushed and embarrassed, but said nothing, because Mu Qing's ringing laughter was the most important thing in the world right now. Last night, again, the little Omega had gathered sheets and pillows and some of his clothes, making a nest, in a hurry, not asking questions, not answering any either, just burying himself underneath all this intensity of his own scent.

Feng Xin knew that his lover's pre-heat was starting. The moodiness, the craving for sweets, the emotional jumps and leaps, the constant need for him to be close, to inhale the Alpha's scent... The Omega's body was preparing for a possible pregnancy.

He would cuddle more, relaxed, and limp, his body feeling heavier somehow. His own scent got muskier too, and whenever Feng Xin touched him underneath his clothes  -  his skin was slightly sweaty and cool to the touch. He also wondered about those vibrator models, as he vividly remembered the last heat, and and how intense it all had been. He made a mental note for them to talk about it, and soon.

And condoms. Of course. Lots of them. 



They were mostly going to work together now, synchronizing their shifts and their days off  -  Xie Lian had no problems with that. The couple delayed their trip, wanting to stay until the test results were out, and even Hua Cheng said nothing this time; he understood just how important it all was, for both boys and for his GeGe too. Of course, the constant packing and unpacking was annoying, but as long as he was with his Alpha  -  anything was manageable.

So it was a very strange week of waiting now. Hua Cheng was sleepy most of the time, because of his graveyard shifts, but he would hang out at the bar often, because Xie Lian was there almost all the time. He was observing Feng Xin and Mu Qing again, like before, and  -  at least on the outside  -  they would behave just like before. The Omega was polite to customers and smiled, the Alpha was growing roots into his usual seat at the counter, it seemed, growling at people and spitting insults at him too, lazily, from time to time.

But if one looked more carefully, nothing was the same. Whenever there were no people in the bar, or just one or two, the pair would get together and hug, caress each other and whisper soft words to each other, somehow looking extremely sad. Feng Xin would bring small gifts for his Omega, just like before, just now they did not bicker any more, but rather Mu Qing would caress his face and smile weakly for him. Now, the little Omega  preferred the place to be darker, and warmer, so the lights were often off, it was just candles burning inside. And Feng Xin finally  stole two huge heaters from somewhere  -  one for the bar, and one for his house.

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