56. Married Life. 🔞

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Making love was extremely easy from then on. It was as if Mu Qing's body opened up, always very relaxed, his juices abundant, and there was an itch very deep inside him that he could not reach, one that needed scratching constantly. He was clutching to his Alpha all the time, not letting Feng Xin go anywhere alone, do anything without him. 

The next days were bliss.


So, once the knot retracted, they turned to each other, kissing gently and purring for each other.

- You are very lucky you are so pretty, asshole...  -  Mu Qing was smiling and caressing his lover's lips.

- Motherfucking rabid Omega...  -  Feng Xin was cooing, placing small quick kisses over his mate's nose and cheeks, making him giggle like a girl.

- Food?

- Mmm, definitely.

They finished off the pancakes, despite the fact that it was almost midnight. The little Omega was sitting in Feng Xin's lap, feeding him small bites, but soon the sight of that amazingly pretty mouth made him pant, thirstily, and it didn't take too long for his fingers to land in the jar of honey, and then  –  inside his Alpha's mouth, and Feng Xin was licking and sucking, flushed and thirsty too. The drops of honey that fell on Mu Qing's naked body got licked almost immediately, and the Omega turned to straddle the bouncer's hips in a trance, all too quickly. Sticky and turned on, their mouths collided for a kiss of shared sweetness and their bodies slid to accommodate each other again for a new round of quick and sweaty sex.

- Still so wet... Still so hot... Ughhh...  -  the Alpha was moaning, enjoying the way Mu Qing was rolling his hips to allow him access to his very core.

- Fuck me... Alpha, don't stop... I want... I need...  -   the Omega was whispering in a hoarse, demanding voice, lulled into a new candy dream.

*** Later, they took a bath together  –  there was no other way now, separate showers or separate baths just didn't make any sense to them now

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Later, they took a bath together  –  there was no other way now, separate showers or separate baths just didn't make any sense to them now. Feng Xin noticed that the boy was wincing from time to time when moving, and wondered just how much of pain he currently could still feel. The night was coming on, and he knew that he hadn't seen anything yet. Last time, his rut got triggered at the height of Mu Qing's heat, and he realized they were still not even there.

- Baby?  -  he mumbled now.

- Mmmmm?

- Babe, do you think it's gonna be bad? Tonight? Or tomorrow?  –  he asked carefully.

Mu Qing turned around in his embrace and looked at him lazily.

- I really dunno. I've never done this before.  –  he blushed now.

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