46. Dad.

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Mu Qing was clinging to his Alpha so hard that Feng Xin managed to carry him in just one arm and ring the door bell.

- What the actual f ---

- I need some help. Please. I need a warm place tonight. Please.

- Come in, love.

Feng Xin was blushing. He knew that his father loved it whenever he came to visit, but... he hated the fact that he still needed him. He hated the fact that his mother was right  -  he needed to grow up and be more independent, more responsible.

The boy sighed deeply at the new smells  –  the calming scent of an Omega, the cozy warmth, and the aroma of spices and perfume-like fragrances (mostly coming from the bathroom) made him relax in his lover's arms and purr quietly.

The Alpha managed to get his jacket off, too hot now, and fall onto the soft sofa, cradling the Omega in his arms.

- Rest. I'll make some tea.

A grunt.

- Ohhh, OK, not tea. Some coffee for you then?

- Hmmmm.

Mu Qing was snuggling happily, purring and babbling quietly inside his Alpha's clothes:

- My Alpha loves me... He loves me so much... He loves me... so much... so much... so so much...

Extremely flushed, Feng Xin was listening, and his hand was caressing the purring Omega's hair slowly, trying to be calm and collected, trying hard to control his scent. He should have mastered that in his teens, but yea... his teens had been... a wild time.

- What's wrong? You look... and smell... unwell.  –  the Omega mumbled now, bringing in a tray, laden with two cups of tea, a mug of coffee and a jug of some dead-color juice (that was probably extremely healthy).

- It's been a very long day, Papa... And I had to deal with mom too.  –  Feng Xin sighed now.

The smell of coffee made Mu Qing stir a little, escape from their embrace and grab his Alpha's mug. Feng Xin smiled a little.

- Are you feeling better, love?  –  he asked carefully.

- It's so warm in here, Alpha... It smells so nice! I wanna make it so at your place too, Alpha! I want it to smell so nice too!  –  Mu Qing was murmuring, grabbing the coffee greedily, and nuzzling his nose into Feng Xin's neck.

- But it always does, my love. It smells like you... It's the best smell in the world, baby...

- Oh, Alpha... Oh...

- Give me a kiss, puppy... Because you are so sweet, puppy... Mmm...

Feng Xin's father was watching them, blushing slightly  –  it was all very intimate. The scent of a young Omega had been easily discernable from the start, but now, as both the Alpha's and the Omega's pheromones exploded, as they kissed, he mumbled, coughing a little:

- Oh... Ugh... Oh, I see you two've mated... Uhhh...


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[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now