31. [quote:] 'Eat Your Banana, You Idiot!' - Mu Qing

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Feng Xin woke up early, surprised at how rested and content he felt   -  it was a rare occasion, a morning like this. He woke up because the scent had changed  –  or rather: diminished in intensity. Even without looking, he knew that Mu Qing had escaped from his embrace, and was now wandering somewhere around the cold house.

He frowned. Such a wild Omega, dammit! So moody, so massively disobedient!

He smirked now, though  –  he liked it. 

Last night had been perfect. They held each other close, naked, touching, kissing, breathing each other. It had been amazing, just like that. They had been warm together, happy together, just being able to touch and caress  –  it turned out that it was quite enough.

He got up with a grunt, staring down at his burgeoning erection, trying to remember whether any of his previous lovers had gotten him so very hard, so very often. This ridiculous boy was managing to achieve it with ease.

He walked up to the kitchen, hoping for coffee, his bare feet making soft, fleshy sounds on the tiled floor in the corridor. Now he stood in the doorway, gaping  –  and still very much absolutely naked.

Mu Qing was wearing his clothes again, and they were too big a size for him again, but he looked truly adorable, albeit awful. The sweater was too big, but he looked cozy inside it; the sweatpants were too long for him, and he had rolled the trouser legs up, so that he could walk at all. He was humming to himself, making breakfast, obviously, but stopping from time to time to bury his face inside the Alpha's clothes, so that he could sniff the Alpha's scent.

Feng Xin was watching quietly, blushing now  –  no one had been so much in love with his scent before. He had never considered it anything special, ever. And his boy here... he craved it,  there was no doubt about it at all.

He stepped a little closer, doing his best to do it noiselessly, and hugged the fussy Omega from behind, murmuring in his ear:

- Good morning, wife.

Mu Qing smirked a little.

- Did you think you could surprise me, moron? I got your scent---

- Mmmm.

He got hushed up by an impatient kiss, and it made him purr again.

- And don't call me "wife", moron!  –  he panted now, blushing.  –  Or I'll start calling you "husband",  dammit!  –  he puffed, but then  –  realizing what he had just said  –  his eyes widened terribly and he gasped.

Feng Xin grinned, amused, and growled in his neck:

- Please do, little wife.

- I hate you...  -  Mu Qing whispered helplessly, tilting his head to the side so that the Alpha would have more free space to do as he pleased – lick, or bite, or kiss...

- Mmmmm.

Feng Xin chose the last one, and started kissing carefully over the purple bruises that had formed on the little Omega's neck yesterday; his purring with pleasure was driving him crazy.

- So... So soppy, Feng Xin!  -  the Omega mocked, earning himself a low growl, but never feeling worried about it.  –  Quit this, and let's have breakfast! Ughh...

- Moan some more, and you will be the breakfast... In bed!  –  Feng Xin grumbled into the warm skin, licking over the throbbing artery again.

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