26. [quote:] 'Betas Are Ruining My Life!!!' - Feng Xin

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The two came back to a heavily scented room, a line of annoyed customers in front of the counter, and a very dizzy and swooning Hua Cheng, being licked over the ear by a very flushed Xie Lian.

- Idiots.   –  Feng Xin hissed, rushing to separate them.

Mu Qing rushed too, now blushing severely, trying to smile for the customers, and hurry with the incoming orders as best as he could.

- Cut it! CUT IT!!!  –  the bouncer was pulling Hua Cheng to the side  –  both lovers were clinging to each other terribly, kissing each other so viciously that there was blood in their mouths now.

- No... no, no...  -  the Beta was whimpering.

- San Lang, come back.  –  the Alpha was demanding, far too dazed to realize that it wasn't Hua Cheng who was willingly going away, but it was Feng Xin who was pulling him away.


Mu Qing shuddered at the sound of the Alpha's voice, and some of the clients turned around to see what was wrong too. He smirked a little, as he watched Feng Xin hurl the skinny Beta into one of the available arm-chairs, and it took some effort for him not to start purring: his Alpha was so strong... he felt so proud!

- Hey! Asshole!  –  Hua Cheng protested now, blushing and ashamed.

- BEHAVE! Motherfucker!!! You are not home any more!  –  Feng Xin growled.  –  And you!!!  –  he now turned towards Xie Lian.  –  You! You should know better!  What kind of behavior is that! From an Alpha at that! Get a grip, Dianxia!

Xie Lian frowned now, but blushed a little.

- You are not the one to talk about behavior, A-Xin! Didn't you spent the weekend in bed with---

BE VERY VERY CAREFUL ABOUT YOUR NEXT WORDS, BOSS.  –  Feng Xin bristled up, looking even taller and larger now.

Mu Qing was listening carefully, inevitably, and now went a little pale. This was being about him.  He left his work station behind the counter, and now approached them, hesitating.

- What... What happened? At my birthday?  –  he asked weakly, and his eyes now jumped from one Alpha to the other. Both men were terribly on edge.

Just panting, neither spoke, neither broke the eye contact either, stubbornly, but the Beta mumbled, unashamed:

- Ha! Keep your Alpha in check, boy! The audacity!!!  Didn't you two spend  days  in bed, just fucking?! How is it any different? An unmarked Omega, and an Alpha in rut! Scandalous! And you!   –  he pointed a finger at Mu Qing, a smug smirk on his lips.  – You are underage, according to law!  Fucking an Omega in heat without their consent? Underage at that? Isn't that.... Illegal?  Hmm, loverboy?  –  he now turned towards Feng Xin mockingly.

Mu Qing was so red in the face that Feng Xin thought he was going to explode. His scent got so dense and so utterly distressed that he immediately jumped on Hua Cheng, grabbing his clothes and literally lifting him up in the air like a homeless dog being held by the scruff of his neck.


Mu Qing was terribly shaken by the deep growl now, but he managed to rush towards the big Alpha and place his palm on his chest, biting his lips, and begging "Please...".

But before anything else happened, Xie Lian got up from his chair very slowly, and said very simply:


[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now