13. Heavy Scents And Heavy Petting. 🔞

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Yes, the intensity of the familiar personal scent led Feng Xin directly to the boy's room. He opened the door carefully and gaped again.

It was definitely an Omega's room. The bed was big enough for three people and strewn with small cushions and some plushies that were big enough to be hugged at night. Every corner was resembling the beginnings of a nest, truly, with soft, fluffy rugs placed over the soft carpet, with small round puff chairs pushed next to the walls, and two big bean-bag sofas next to the soft bed. All the colors were subdued, faded red, beige and peach, and dull banana. The curtains had some floral motifs on them, and were down, and with the storm raging again outside  –  the room looked dark, as if it was evening time.

Feng Xin looked at the childish clock on the wall  –  it was merely 3:30 in the afternoon.

Everything was gentle and soft, everything just begged to be touched and caressed, just like the little Omega was right now. There were flowers in pots, in bloom, placed on the window sill, and some childhood drawings, pinned on the wall, over the desk, where Mu Qing's computer was, and the desk, too, was covered in small figurines, in toys and dry flowers.

More clutter, but... 

Feng Xin sighed. Perhaps his own house had looked dull and ugly to his little one. Perhaps it had looked even scary... It was painfully obvious to him that Mu Qing had grown up in a very different household than him; and he now understood his Omega mother's hysteria over the phone today  –  he was a child who was definitely loved...

He tried to put the slender boy onto the bed now, but the Omega was clinging to him fiercely, grabbing at him with zest. He smiled a little  –  it really felt so good to be so wanted, but he was used to it, his exes had been the same, not all, but some of them. 

Yet, this was the very first time anyone defied him so much.

He realized that... he liked it.

- Come on, puppy. Let go. Come on. Come...  -  he cooed, and, relaxing his body more, Mu Qing did indeed let go of him, and now relaxed on the bed, among the familiar scent of it all  -  this time: his own.

  -  he cooed, and, relaxing his body more, Mu Qing did indeed let go of him, and now relaxed on the bed, among the familiar scent of it all  -  this time: his  own

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