53. Second Heat.

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  Feng Xin woke up in a very sour mood

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Feng Xin woke up in a very sour mood.

He already knew it was going to be an awful day  –  it was raining again! Motherfucking fucked-up weather! Just how was it raining in December?!

- Ughhh...  -  he groaned and got out of bed.

The house was cold, and he noticed it now; it was such a change.

He knew too well why he was grumpy today. This was already the third day Mu Qing hadn't been home. Well. Technically speaking.  The boy was home. Like, home  home.

Two days ago, they fell out horribly, fighting over just how spicy a pizza topping should be, and the Omega had just left, hissing and cursing, returning home to his mom. The Alpha had stared, terrified, to see just how things fell apart so quickly.

He missed him. Terribly. He was checking his phone for any call or message now, like a stupid crushing schoolgirl, and was constantly angry with himself for being such a fool. But no. None.

In time, his anger gave way to worry rather. Perhaps he wasn't texting because his heat had started? Perhaps he was ill? Should he call him? Should he go to his place? Check on him?

- Ughhhh!

No. He was an Alpha. Alphas didn't do such sentimental shit. He had his pride! The Omega had to search for him, seek him out! 


But a day passed, two days, and now it was the third day, and he was so anxious that he felt sick. He hadn't been to work  -  he just couldn't. It was a good thing Dianxia wasn't here, too, because he would  –  for sure!  –  be so annoying about it!

Feng Xin sulked; the idiots didn't even send him a single photo of their time in France!


He realized, ashamed, that he missed even the fucking Hua Cheng.

Just what was happening to him?!  This fucking Omega was changing him, changing his chemistry, literally

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Just what was happening to him?!  This fucking Omega was changing him, changing his chemistry, literally. Even when he wasn't here.

- Fuck this. I can't stay here any more. I'll just go insane!

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