8. Mu Qing's Birthday Presents.

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Mu Qing woke up with a whimper; he woke up because he was too cold, and the chemicals in the air had dispersed too. He sat up in the bed and immediately grabbed his head  –  his head hurt a lot.  

Actually, without the warmth of the Alpha  –  his whole body felt somehow... lacking,  weirdly uncomfortable, and aching.

He knew Feng Xin was gone even without checking the other rooms; he could smell it now, sense it.

- Ughh... why do I ache all over? What did we do last night?!  –  he mumbled and opened the door to the living room only to find a pile of dirty laundry. 

He frowned. He hated messes like this. But then he turned back and gaped  –  there was a total mess on the bed too, a ball of clothes and blankets, and when he approached in order to take a better look  –  totally incredulous that he  was the one who had done this  –  he blushed intensely, realizing that he had spent most of the night with his nose buried into Feng Xin's boxers.

- Well, fuck.  –  he grumbled now, going back and forth between the two rooms, trying to find salvageable clothes, but all his stuff from yesterday was moist, smelly and muddy after the storm.

He found the two phones on the table  –  his battery was low, and the Alpha's phone was drenched.

- How can he be so useless!  –  he frowned now, outraged by the careless mess,  grabbing his phone and trying to text his mother at least. Well, he tried. The phone died mid-texting.

He growled, and his stomach grumbled just in tune  –  he could not remember the last food he had eaten, and he now felt dizzy and faint with hunger. His heat was making it ten times worse than it usually was. He was ravenous. 

- Kitchen.  –  he mumbled now, torn between the fact that the whole house smelled sweetly like Feng Xin, and the fact that the whole house looked miserable  at the same time.

- Yup.  –  his face fell even more.

No surprises there  –  the kitchen was extremely cold  –  one of the windows had been open all night long, and Mu Qing closed it with an angry slam and bang. The fridge contained some salami and some raw meat. The freezer section contained some ice-cream, but he was so cold that he rather started some water to boil for a cup of tea.

- Alphas!  –  he growled unhappily. This was just so so typical!

He actually realized that Feng Xin spent most of his days sleeping, and most of his nights  -  at the bar, drinking. Sometimes, when he was in a good mood, all four of them would order food and have something in-between, a very late dinner or a very early breakfast at 3 at night, and laugh about it. But on most nights Hua Cheng and Xie Lian would just hurry to go home, go to bed, together. He knew of no other couple who would be so impatient to get together, and who would fuck so much.

He kind of envied them. They didn't have to worry about pills so much, about safe sex either. He had no idea whether they were switching, but he remembered, blushing deeply, the way Dianxia had whispered in his ear:

- San Lang has such a pretty cock! Just beautiful! And he always smells so nice... I love him, sweetie!

Yes, such love was rare... He decided that he wouldn't cry. 

Today was his birthday after all.

Should he just go? He had promised the Alpha that he would be gone first thing in the morning - he remembered that. The rain had stopped, and it was already well past noon...

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now