15. Alpha And Beta. [α +β]

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Feng Xin was glaring with blood-shot eyes at the tall, soaking wet Beta.

Hua Cheng was gaping. Literally. His mouth was filling up with rain waiter.

- I should have known it's you, accursed Beta! How dare you disturb---

- What?  –  Hua Cheng huffed angrily. –  What did I just interrupt? Why are you butt naked, motherfucker???   –  he hissed now, bristling up all over.

Actually, both men looked quite ridiculous. Feng Xin was as hard as he could go, his cock was tapping against his navel lazily; his hair was all messed up in the places where Mu Qing had grabbed and pulled; his face was bright red, like a schoolboy's when called at the board for examination, his lips were swollen from all the intense kissing, but his sharp teeth were bared, and he was growling at the Beta angrily, enraged and cursing for ever leaving the warm, pliable body of the Omega in bed, and coming to the door, to the cold and the thunderstorm to see... this fucking wet dog.

Hua Cheng looked absolutely pathetic. He had caught the subway here, but the last stretch had to be walked on foot, and he  - of course!  -  would not bring an umbrella, ever, unless Xie Lian needed it. Now his pitch black hair was hanging pitifully all over his face, covering his eyes, and he looked pale, cold and hungry, like a starving, homeless animal. But his eyes were burning, and he was staring at the Alpha in defiance, challenging him to a fight, with all possible signals of his body language.

- What's happening in there, stupid Alpha? Hmm?  –  he mocked him now, crossing his arms in front of his chest, standing in the rain, trying to look cool and somehow bigger, taller, albeit all drenched in rain.


Feng Xin was just about to slam the door in his face and just go back, but the young man rushed and wedged his foot in the way.

- Oh, no, you don't, asshole!!!  – he scoffed and pushed the door wide open again.

The Alpha swayed to hit him, and was just about the make a real short work out of it, and just push him out of the patio, and back into the storm, but Hua Cheng, remembering his promise to his lover, just ducked quickly and pushed him  quickly instead, with so much force, that the Alpha staggered back and almost fell, stumbling over the silly rug on the floor.

- HOW DARE YOU, YOU MUTT!!! I'M GON---   -  he started, but managed just that.

- Shut up, you idiot!!!  –  Hua Cheng yelled, unabashed, leaving the haughty Alpha stunned.

The two now stared at each other with pure hatred; the bouncer was growling low in his throat, but there was so much mockery all over Hua Cheng's face, who was inevitably staring at his crotch and naked ass, that he finally blushed lightly, and mumbled:

- I have to check on... I have to go and...

He turned his back to the dripping wet Beta, and just walked back towards Mu Qing's room. The boy had caught his scent, obviously, and was now standing in the doorway, looking so absurdly distressed that he immediately took him in his arms.

- It's OK, puppy. All is fine. I promise, little one.   –  he coaxed, stroking his long hair –  there was fear mixed into the sweetness of Mu Qing's scent now; he had caught the smell of the tension between the Alpha and the Beta unmistakably.

- Alpha... -  he whimpered now, pressing himself to Feng Xin's strong body.  – I'm scared. Who is it? Who got you so mad, Alpha...? Did I... Was it me? Did I do something? Please... Was I wrong?

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