23. Angry And Hungry.

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When the taxi arrived in front of Mu Qing's parents' house, his mother was already waiting at the door, far too anxious. Feng Xin lifted the swooning boy in his arms and carried him to the patio. Before the Omega could start screaming, he growled:

- Move. Nobody touches him.

She gasped, perhaps glad that her husband was at work right now  –  the two Alphas would have gotten to each other's throats immediately. She stepped away, letting the big young man inside again, sulking at the scent.

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Feng Xin carried the shivering Omega to the familiar bedroom that was now too warm and too dark  –  as it should have been all this time. He placed the boy in the bed, frowning, but scenting his clothes and the bed again, which made Mu Qing relax immediately, smiling now, falling asleep, finally.

- Stupid Omega...  -  Feng Xin mumbled under his nose, but stared, making sure that he was sound asleep before he left.  –  Stupid messy Omega... So reckless... So... romantic...

Mu Qing turned in bed, half-asleep, murmuring:

- But my Alpha loves me... He said so... He is my One... and he loves me...

He was smiling so blissfully that Feng Xin couldn't help but smile too. He leaned down and whispered in his ear:

- Rest now, silly. Come back to work soon. It will all be OK in the end. I promise. You will find your One. I'm sure of it...

The little Omega's eyelashes fluttered and he reached out, wrapping his arm around the Alpha's neck, and pulling him down a little more, lisping:

- I love you. I want you. Remember it.

- Mmmm.

- You smell like candy, Alpha... I think I'm in heaven... Keep me warm, Alpha...

- Sleep now, puppy.  -  Feng Xin said, but his heart was bleeding. It hurt far too much.

- For you... For you, Alpha...

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Where stories live. Discover now