36. Omega And Omega. [ꭥ+ꭥ]

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Feng Xin got back home, and it was almost 2 a.m. The whole house bore traces of Mu Qing's scent, and he thought how true his words to the Omega had been  –  the boy was everything he could think about.

Why was it like this, this time?

By rule, he was supposed to be irritated by this

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By rule, he was supposed to be irritated by this. That used to be the rule. But now he was rather worried that the little Omega might have trouble at home. Which was ridiculous, of course. He was old enough to have started a family of his own a long time ago! But some parents were just assholes.

Which reminded him: his papa. Probably it was a good idea for him to call him? Give him the news?

It was so weird... his papa knew him so so well! And it was so annoying  –  the messy Omega was always right! He had been right about his new lover as well. It was like... clairvoyance... or some sort of magic.

Yes, it was far too annoying.

He took a shower and got to bed. A very heavily  scented bed. Sleeping was nigh impossible  –  his head was buzzing with all sort of thoughts about all the things that had happened... about fucking Hua Cheng too! Dammit!

Dianxia had been quite mad at him, more than ever before, and he realized that this fact upset him greatly. He cared about the damned fool too much! Why?! He was a grown-up, he had his right to be making bad decisions, surely!

Fucking Hua Cheng!

Feng Xin turned in bed, and tried to empty his head, totally planning on sleeping through the next day. What day was it? He didn't care.

He managed to get into some kind of uneasy slumber around 4 o'clock, and dreamed of a storm that was so fierce that the twigs of the trees outside were knocking on his window, far too loud, it seemed, and annoyingly, not letting him sleep.

But there was something else as well this time. The scent... Was it just residue from Mu Qing's scent on his pillow? 



The scent was different,  stronger, and it was... distress.

The Alpha woke up with a jump, listening, sniffing the air, worried. There was no storm outside, but someone was knocking, persistently, on his door.

He didn't have to guess. The sweet scent belonged to only one possible Omega.

He rushed to unlock the door, just to be met by an explosion of pheromones and a very sleepy, and sobbing Mu Qing, trembling with cold, dressed in very light clothes.

- I... I'm sorry... I think I ran away from home... I...

- Ugh, babe...

The Alpha opened his arms and let the shivering boy cuddle into him, trying for his scent to be as calming as possible. The Omega started purring immediately, and Feng Xin just lifted him up, and got him to the bedroom, taking his clothes and shoes off, and helping him to bed.

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