21. The Milk. {!TW!}

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Feng Xin gaped  –  his dad was seriously sulking now. He had to pacify him somehow, if he was ever going to get some  –  any!!!  -   information from him. The sour scent of despair and hurt was still lingering in the air, and he knew that he had to distract him from all the painful memories, make him smile again.

Well... there was one way... but he hated it... He really... really... wished... 

No. Nope.

- Your mom??? Of all people!? When it comes to love! When it comes to your future, A-Xin! How could you!? You don't even care about how you are breaking my heart, boy! Have I not done---

- Papa?   -  the big Alpha whimpered now, too grateful that it was just the two of them in the house (preferably: in the neighborhood, the city, the country, the continent, and the planet also!!!). – Papa, I think you were... kinda right... My throat feels kinda sore... So can I...

Yes. It worked like magic.  Every single time. 

His papa made no difference  –  in his eyes, in his heart, his son was just a small pup who needed him.

- I told you! Didn't I tell you, kiddo?! Don't you know by now that I am always right, pup?!  -   the Omega wheezed, too worried now.

- I... Papa... So sorry...  -  Feng Xin tried to play the role convincingly.

- Wait here, baby...  It's warm in this room.   -  the Omega sighed, patting his head a little.  –  I'll be right back. I have the perfect stuff! You'll be as good as new by tomorrow!   -  he grinned happily now.  – Will you...

Feng Xin shuddered. The room was shaking with the variations of scents  –  worry, fear, care, insecurity, hope, love, anger, longing.

- Will you be spending the night here?  -  his dad asked carefully, hopeful.  –  It's too late already... and it's... too cold... I...

The Alpha knew. He knew that his father knew too. His father knew that a young, strong Alpha would not fear the cold, nor the dark, nor a fight, not to mention the flu.

But then... his flat was still filled with Mu Qing's scent. Perhaps...

- May I, dad?  –  he whined. - In case I run a fever tonight?

- Oh, baby!  -  the Omega exclaimed, far too happy, leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead.  –  Perfect! I'll run you a bath too! Got this new shampoo two days ago  –  I think it will be safe to try it out on your long hair tonight!

Feng Xin sighed. His dad was getting carried away again.

- Is it something... floral... again?  –  he couldn't help but growl now.

- Nooooope!  –  his dad frowned a little.  – Please!  It's herbal!  I think it is nettles and aloe... some super combo, you know... It's good for you!  –  he huffed now, turning his back to him, mildly exasperated.

Feng Xin rolled his eyes, but had to endure all this. He needed info. He needed an explanation. If a bath and some girlish shampoo was the price to pay  –  he was going to.

He waited and waited, and finally turned the TV on  –  his dad just got lost somewhere, and he knew too well that he was cooking impromptu dinner for him too. An Omega was an Omega.

He was watching, distractedly, wondering why his mom had left. His dad was annoying, but also great! He also vaguely wondered whether his mom had someone new now. She had always been very private, and always meticulous when they arranged to meet, strictly keeping track of everyone's heat and everyone's rut.

[风情 | FengQing]: This Is Why Birthdays Are The Best! [TGCF ABO Universe]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu