33. Sex Toys, Travel Plans, And Lullabies.

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It started raining again at around 4 o'clock, and the bar was almost empty again. True to his word, Feng Xin spent most of the afternoon gazing at the bartender, as if he was meeting him for the very first time today, which, naturally, made Mu Qing huff and puff, and blush too intensely, lulled between being angry about it, and loving every second of it.

He had nodded sadly when Feng Xin had announced that he was going out for some lunch, far too hungry now, but smiled when the Alpha grinned:

- I'm going hunting for food, pup. I'm gonna kill a small animal and bring it back to you too, little one! It might even be some godforsaken lousy Beta, who knows!

He was seen off by Hua Cheng's shout: "Asshole!!!",  which deservedly earned the Beta a middle finger in the air. But Mu Qing's heart was sinking. It was so stupid... he was missing him already.

Stupid, stupid. Surely. And he hated this. He hated to be without his Alpha's scent. It was also so strange... in his heart, in his soul, he was already considering Feng Xin as "his Alpha".  It was as if no mating was necessary, no bonding.

He now watched Dianxia and his mate cuddle on the settee, calmly sitting inside each other, hugging, and murmuring to each other quietly, and it looked so perfect that he sighed. He knew that he had the same, he absolutely remembered just how touchy-feely his whole morning had been, but... it somehow hurt to watch them.

The bar was empty now, the last Beta left, mumbling about having forgotten her umbrella at work again, and  –  to pass the time faster, and too sure that his boss wouldn't want to be disturbed right now  –  he took out his phone and opened up a new tab.


He was getting more and more anxious about tonight, wondering what it would be like  –  without his heat. It was probably going to hurt... He blushed, remembering Feng Xin's words about them playing in bed... The very thought made him hot, and he wondered how it would be... it was probably too different with a girl Omega? Or?

Biting his lips, he opened the first website that came up in the suggestions, now browsing and so mesmerized by the choices and options that he totally missed the moment Feng Xin had entered the bar, wet to the bones again, and had approached him sneakily from behind.

He only gasped because a couple of rain drops fell off the Alpha's hair and onto his phone.

He only gasped because a couple of rain drops fell off the Alpha's hair and onto his phone

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