Chapter 64: Reunion in Lockup

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Peter was worried about his daughter. But at the same time, he was angry. Angry that those responsible for his incarceration did the very same thing to his daughter, a child! Peter didn't understand why Bella was being punished. From what he understands Bella was trying to protect him, their little family. A beta protecting their alpha. It shouldn't have to be like this.

"This way." Fenris guided Peter as they walked down a hallway.

Peter turned away from the trays of medical equipment they'd just passed in what appeared to be a surgical room. His heart had immediately lurched at the sight, and he'd silently prayed that his little girl hadn't been subjected to this place.  He was almost certain that she had been, however. The mere thought is enough to make him nauseous.  It took everything he had to keep moving forward. 

Fenris seemed to sense something from Peter and he shot him a sympathetic look. These walls are lined with wolfsbane and mountain ash and he's unable to remain strong.

"We're close."  Fenris tells Peter

Peter nodded resolutely, watching as the doctor flung open the door down the end of the hall. Before they even rounded the corner, Peter knew that he was close to where his daughter was being held. Perhaps he had a bit of a sense for these things too.

Or perhaps the connection was already strong.

As horrifying and awful as this situation was, he felt his first flutters of relief at the thought of finally releasing the girl from his hell. Bella was stubborn as hell, that's for sure. But he knew what he had to do to convince her to leave him behind.

He passed through the doorway a moment after Fenris, horrified but unsurprised to see a large cage. A much larger version of the one Peter was previously in.

The walls were completely transparent and he could see the set up clearly. The bed with the mat, no blankets or pillows, which is just cruelty on top of the others. There are papers scattered all over the floor as well as the doodles on the walls.

The conditions were better than what had been allotted to him but this was still far from humane. The very thought makes Peter's skin crawl.

It was a cage. Akin to something one might see at a zoo. There were no windows in the cavernous room around it, only darkness, closing in ominously.

This was no place for a child. His child. Peter's insides burned with rage at the thought that the girl had already spent far too long here.


Despite the toxic view, Peter moved forward. He immediately caught sight of a small dark figure, in the back corner of the cage, with their back facing towards him. There had been a slight movement from the figure.

The world around Peter seemed to freeze. He instantly knew that this figure was his daughter. He was pretty sure that he always would have been able to tell.

And he also knew that either of their lives  would never be the same.

Peter glanced towards Fenris

"It's okay Peter, you don't need to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid of my own child." Peter hissed

Fenris then took his keycard to open the door. Peter trembled but didn't move. Trying to let this unexpected reality truly sink in.  Peter wanted to move forward, but the paralysis this experience brought on coupled with the knowledge that he'd been weakened by the mountain ash and wolfsbane within held him back.

Peter  yearned to be closer to her.  To hold her close and allow her to leave from this place. Peter desperately wanted to leave Eichen too, but he couldn't, no matter how much he wanted to. 

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now