Stories from the past🌷

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Rebeca's POV

Finally, after a year of working as an intern, I have managed to secure a position in my dream company. The hard work has finally paid off. This is one of the most prestigious firms in our country, and that's why getting selected for an internship and then as a professional is like a dream come true. The employees were all so welcoming and helpful when I first started, which helped me to settle down in the new environment so early.

As an introverted person, I like to keep things to myself and everything straightforward. The position I am going to start has come with so many responsibilities which will need a lot of effort and I am ready to give my 110% for this. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

I have been with my parents my whole life. Their constant support in whatever I do gives me energy for my living. A good support system. That's what I can say about my family.

My mother is a very wonderful and optimistic woman. She is very serious and firm all the time and is very clear about what she wants. Whether it's about professional life or personal she never compromises. Just like she chose to go for field work when it was supposed to be only for men or left the country when she fell in love with my father. She never once doubted her decisions. Their love story is always a topic for our family gatherings since it's very amusing and like a fairy tale for my younger cousins, but I know it was her life's hardest decision to make. Ready to lose all you have, over just hope and faith that it will turn out to be good; yes it's not easy at all. I think that was the only time when she didn't calculate the chances of failure or success. LOVE, I don't know if I will have that kind of it in my life to risk it all.

My father is very opposite of my mother. He might look tough to other people due to a very built-up body but only we know what a total softie he is. From singing for my mother when she is upset or dressing up as my favorite prince on my birthday, all those just to put smiles on our faces. I can list thousands of such memories. An iconic moment when he stood up strong and was ready to fight his whole family for the love he has for my mother.

The moment he decided to leave his own country and move to Thailand with his whole family, brought a drastic change in all of our lives. We weren't just going to leave our home; all our memories and people were here. This was like a turning point where everything was going to be different, the change on which none of us had any control. But the confidence in my father's eyes, when he told us that "it's going to be okay"; was enough to answer all my doubts. It filled me with faith that "yes it will turn out to be okay", which it did eventually.

One thing about Mom and Dad that I am very proud of is that they never ran away from their responsibilities, when they had all the chances in the world to do so.

Dad is a very outspoken and sincere man. Fathers are daughters, first love, and heroes. We picture other genders through his behavior, you don't know how good or how bad it can turn out to be. For me, I feel so lucky it was a blessing for me to have him as a father. MY HERO. I can see myself falling for a person just like him. The way he treats my mother like a queen or his kids like there will be nothing left in his world without us; is what I look for in a person. And I don't know if I will find that person one day.

Richie, my brother has taken after him. Just like me and mom, he is very respectful towards other women too. Our upbringing has done a very important job in how we both have turned out today. I will always be grateful to have such wonderful parents. Richie is one supportive soul I have with me and can count on him at any moment of my life. Once I can doubt myself, but he won't. He always gives me support to go for it. Like the time when I wanted to take two courses at the same time, or when I decided to apply for Grey Internationals. He was there to tell me that I could do it.

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