In love with her smiles 🌷

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Becky POV

Its Saturday today. I am getting ready for my day with P'Freen. Even the thought is leaving me beaming with excitement. But I think more than me; my family is. Irin has practically showed up at my door step in this morning with all the make-up essentials she could get her hands on. Its such a relief to see she is so supportive for P'Freen. She has helped a lot with all Non issue, and finally given me courage to do what I want without thinking too much. Her words last time were soft, hesitant. Still I could understand what she wanted to say.

Before its too late and things are more complicated I needed to make it clear at once.

So I decided rather than keeping things tangled into something meaningless, I should end it. For better. My thoughts were as clear as day that Non deserved someone who will be able to return his feelings. Also that before ending it a proper conversation too. A closure.  A proper sit down talk.

We did actually. And surprisingly he just listened what I wanted to say and left without uttering a word. For the moment I thought he was not even listening to me; he was staring into distance during the whole conversation lost into his own thoughts. But I guess he didn't protest so he took it well. Its such a reliver that its solved before today so I can concentrate and enjoy fully.

I didn't notice the changes before but since the day Non behaved differently I had headaches and other health problems. It left me with sadness every time we talked. Now all I wake up in the morning is with a smile. My heart is feeling light. Maybe getting away from Non had helped.

We never had attachments or anything nor we ever behaved like a couple. We were just two stranger attached by a meaningless and vain string. Now that it has broken I can see myself getting free.

Whether I want to admit it or not, I wish it should happen cause I could see Freen was hesitant after what happed our day with BonBon. Not in my wildest dream I would want her to hold her back or feel bad about something, for the things she does for me. It undoubtedly breaks my heart.

I haven't told her about my break up. We haven't met in person since so I didn't got chance to tell her. But I will today when we meet. Personally.

Irin is no wonder happy about it and so is my mom and dad. While I would never described my parents as over-protective, their devotion to their children was never in doubt. I didn't know they had this much trouble seeing him with me. But now that its over I can see everything falling into pieces. 

I want it to stay like this.

I am getting ready as my phone ranged. I accept it and P'Freens face popped up. She stared at me wide eyed for a sec then composed herself. I mean I have proper cloths on, but I am still debating about dress I need to wear.

"Hello Becbec. You good." I was looking in closet but what from I could hear; she drew in a shaky breath and let it out. Her voice is unsteady. I like nervous P'Freen.

"Hello to you too P'Freen. I am about to get ready. I am confused about the dress though. Does this looks good?" I picked a dress from my closet showing her.

"Its good." She is still not facing the camera properly. Why is so behaving like this? We both are girls.

"Just good? I thought it's a beautiful dress." I pouted a little. This is the best dress i could get my hands on. Still she doesn't like it? We mat eyes for a sec and she looked in other direction try hardest not to meet mine.

"Yeah sorry, I mean the dress is beyond beautiful." Her face was getting warmer. I shook it off. She thinks its beautiful so its fine. I took phone in my hands and sat on chair so I can talk and see her properly.

A Heart To Be Heard (A Freenbeck story)Where stories live. Discover now