Fu****g finally🌷

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P'Freens POV

I don't know why we always end up like this? I know that topic is very sensitive and probably the only thing, we don't actually agree that much. I understand her, but I don't know how to tell her that I don't give a f**k about what people think. She is the love of my life and I don't plan on hiding it from anyone. I wanna show it proudly who I love, not to show off but like treating her with respect. Give her the respect and recognition that she deserves. When we are in parties or in public and I cannot even hold her hand, I just feel so sad. Or we are in office and I cannot behave like I want to or comfort her when I have to. We always have to make sure the doors are closed so no one will look at us hugging or something.

This is just........I don't wanna.

I wanna hug and comfort my girlfriend when I have to. Or just show some affection in public. I don't wanna hide.

I sign defeat. I know I cannot really convince her nor I can tell myself. I was getting a mild headache just by thinking about it.

I tried to calm myself but nothing was working. So just decide to check on my friends first.

I took out my phone and dialled Nam. Just after one ring she answered. Just after hearing my hello her tone changed to serious, "Are you alright Mu Deang?" Yes she knows me more than anything. I don't want to make them worried or something. They are coming here to enjoy and I should not spoil their fun because I........hell I am a mess.

I just sighed and tried to sound happy, "Yeah of course I am fine Nam. I was wondering when you will get here? You guys have left already right?"

She hummed and her happy tone was back, "Yea. We will be there soon. I cannot wait. I missed you and my kiddo so much." I let out a small laugh at that. They really cherish her.

I chuckled before replying, "Ok. Drive safely. See you soon." We hang up after that and I walk a little more into side walk. And took a sit on nearby bench.

It was afternoon but the weather was not hot at all. Since its middle of December it's kind of chilly. Well for us, 20 is chilly enough, cause it barely get any colder than this. The feeling of the wind helped to relax my body and closed my eyes. I rested my head backwards and folded my arms. God help me with whatever this is.

I didn't know for how long I am here. I guess I slept there itself. I felt someone shook me and I opened my eyes. I saw Bec was sitting beside me as soon as my eyes landed on her.

"Babe? Are you feeling ok?" Worry clearly evident in her voice and her eyes, she placed her palm on my head checking for temp. But I just shook my head giving her my best smile. It doesn't matter what happened back there, I am not gonna let that come between us.

I sit up straight smoothing my cloths, "Oh yeah. I am fine. You done with your breakfast?"

She didn't answer for some time; just nodded. Then she turned towards the see. I knew she was thinking about something. I also turned and lost myself into the thoughts again. We sat there together, just gazing at the sea in silence. It was really peaceful. All the thoughts surround me again. It was like we were sitting beside each other but we were so lost in our own world of thought.

I don't like it a bit. Because even the time she reads a book, I asked her to read it aloud so when she will go into that world forgetting the real one, I wanna go into that with her too.

But this is really disturbing, the situation we are in. I wanted to say something but she beat me to it, "Baby I wanna say...." And before she could complete her sentence we heard a car honking. Two cars made their way into the street. They arrived? We both look at each other then I nod at her. We both stood up. And as expected all of them were here. Our friends and Richie and my cousin too. As soon as the car stop we heard Nams high pitched voice.

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